[Serge, now in Lynx's body, awakens in a strange surrealistic landscape. Knocking a piece of fruit
off a tree causes a woman to run out of her house. Lynx runs inside.] Sprigg: 'EY YOU!!! Wot are you doin' in me 'ouse!? Hmmm...
I figured you for another wanderin' spirit... 'ow many yearz has it been since a physical bein' wandered into this world...?
Very strange indeed... Rightly so, the world is controlled by chance and chaos. Anythin' can 'appen as quick as a wink. Nobody
knowz. Somethin' you 'ave today may be gone tomorrow. Just like this berry I'm 'oldin'. Important stuff, irreplaceable stuff:
all theze may come to 'arm with superlative eaze. And wot'z frightenin' is... There be absolutely no meanin' to wot 'appens
in our daily livez... Meanin' is non-existent. No matter wot'z born, lost or changed... It'z beyond calculation. There may
be no one or nothin' watchin' over you... Such is life. [She gets in a hammock.] Sprigg: I'm goin' to bed. I suggest you rest
up, too. [Lynx does that. The next morning Lynx tries to leave...] Sprigg: Just a second there. I give ya a place to sleep,
and you're leavin' without a word of thanks? [She jumps down.] Sprigg: I'm comin' with ya. I have a feelin' I can get outta
'ere if I tag along. Besides, ya won't be able to make it inside that tower alone. I'll open it for ya. [They go to the tower.
Harle waits inside.] Harle: You are tres late, non? Come on, Monsieur Lynx, let'z go. We don't have ze time to be dawdling
here. We may truly get lost in time. I can't afford to lose you just yet. (Serge): I'm not Lynx...! Harle: You are no longuer
Serge. You are Monsieur Lynx. [She jumps down.] Harle: Allons, regarde-toi! Just look at yourself... Who in zeir right mind
iz going to believe you are Serge? C'est simple. If everybody, except for yourself, sayz zat you are Monsieur Lynx... zen...
[She jumps back up to the second floor.] Harle: Voila! You are Monsieur Lynx! It'z az simple az zat. Zat iz who you are! C'est
la realite! If you try and go against realite... Realite will surely crush you. Realite will kill you. And realite will continue
to go on az if not'ing ever happened... >From yesterday to today, and from today to tomorrow. Realite marchez on... Leaving
your crushed body behind... (Serge): But I'm Serge! Harle: Ooh la lah... So, you still insist zat you are Serge, oui? Regardless
your memoire az zis Serge... You may be able to rewrite it if you use ze Dragon Tear. In realite, you died 10 yearz ago in
ze odder world. How can you say for sure zis iz ze real you? Maybe for you it is evident, but... I wonder if you ever really
were Serge...? Furthermore... what waz zis Serge? A figure, a shape? A spirit? A soul? Where waz zis Serge? [She transforms
into Serge.] Serge: Who am... I? Who are... you? You're not me. I'm not you. I am reality... You are... [She walks through
the west door.] Sprigg: Now, open the door to reality only. One mistake, and you'll never make it back to the real world.
[They go into the next room, following Harle until they reach a new area.] Harle: How boring... Fine, I understand how you
feel. Let'z head back to reality. [They go through the maze and portal back to the Hydra Marshes.]