============================================================================= THE
START OF A NEW JOURNEY OR IS IT? Items: Carry over G Elements: None Party: Serge, Kid, (random) =============================================================================
when you pop your game into your PSX, get it started and watch the kick ass FMV. Then at the name selection, enter your
name in as 'Serge' to follow the guide easier. After the next FMV browse through the conversation.
NOTE: Each
time you start the new game, different characters will accompany you at the start. However
Serge and Kidd(the girl in red) will always be there, the third party member is random.
This doesn't affect the storyline much though.
Now once you start to control Serge,
head to the right and in this next room you will see a set of criss crossing stair cases and such. Just keep heading
to the bottom left and go around the stairs until you reach the door with the lights. Note that while you may see a guard
walking around, you can just go around him, just try not to face him unless you really want to go into battle. Now in
this next room head to the left(since this is the ONLY way you can go) to the next doorway. Here you will see a path to
the bottom and straight ahead, take the path straight forward until you reach the doorway with the torches to each side
and enter through. In this next room you will see the beam of light, use your action button over it and the beam will
die down(you may have saw this room earlier since the party couldn't find a way to jump down). Now head back out and get
to that center platform in the middle of the stairways and go over the center of that platform and press your action button.
party will be transported to another platform above, here after the conversation head to the door above. When Serge attempts
to open the door there is a flashing image, Kidd is stabbed and Serge is holding a bloody knife. Later Serge awakens
from the dream and in a bright lit house.
============================================================================= Arni
Village Items: Heckran Bone, Ivory Helmet, Komodo Shell, Secret Savings, Shark Tooth Elements: Aquabeam, Cure, PhotonRay,
Tablet, Uplift Party: Serge =============================================================================
you wake up search around the room for some items and money(200G). After that head downstairs, when you talk with Marge(your
mother), she will tell you that Lenna has been waiting for you. Talk with the man under the giant sawfish and select
"Your probably right!" and you'll recieve a Komodo Shell. You can check the shop for some items, which is in the center
of town. Head over to the top right of the right shacks and head inside and go down and talk with the fisherman and
he'll go into a story of how he there might have been a different path in his life, he then gives you the SHARK TOOTH.
you talk with Leena, she'll remind you that she wants her Komodo Scale neckless, she talks a little about kids not having
a single worry in their minds. She wants you to go to Lizard Rock to get some scales for her and select either choice,
either way you'll end up going anyways. She will visit you at Opassa Beach once you've past Lizard Rock.
In here
talk to the guy sitting down at the bottom, then choose the 2nd choice and you will recieve a few items.
Now head
to the left and to the open forest, you can talk to the guy in the blue and white, choosing the first option will ensue
a fight, but during battle he tells you some of the tips you can use during battle, but if you don't understand Japanese
than what's the point?! He's not tough to beat though, don't worry if you lose, it's just a practice fight. Also, you
can check the house to the left, but there isn't anything very useful there. Now head back to the Market Square and then
take the right path(pass the old guy) and head out.
NOTE: Make sure you talk with Poshul(the pink puppy), he'll
join your party soon afterwards. You will have to find the Heckran bone under a bed
though, just show it to him.
============================================================================= CAPE
HOWL Items: Bone Elements: Heal Party: Poshul, Serge =============================================================================
Howl is located at the top left along the west part of the coast. There's not really much to do here other than look at
the rock which has Serge's and Leena's name engraved on it. The enemies here are pretty easy to defeat, just watch for
the hot geysers!
============================================================================= LIZARD ROCK Items:
Bone, Ivory Helmet, Silver Loupe Elements: Fireball, Tablet Party: Poshul, Serge =============================================================================
over to the bottom right, in Lizard Rock you know your objective is to find three Komodo Scales for Leena.
when you enter through, push the purple rock that is in the way(just go up to the rock and Serge will automatically push
it). Now head to the left and you will see a rainbow lizard moving around, it will run from you but there is another
purple rock to the left, push that rock so it blocks one end of the small tunnel(this is for later when you want to trap
the lizard later, if you do so). Now head to the upper left and around to the next area. In here, you will see the Rainbow
Lizard at the bottom, it will run from you, but chase it and it will run in circles, after you catch it a battle will
ensue, these dumb lizards are easy to beat. After the battle you will get an item.
After that, go to the far left
and you will see a hole on the ground, enter through that hole and get the treasure chest in the middle. Now head to the bottom
area, in here defeat the purple Nus(or look alike Nus) at the left, then push the purple rock down the waters, it will
force the treasure chest to rise, pick up the treasure chest then head back to the room you were in before. Now head
back to where you first initially came in, you will see a lizard, to catch it you must first go down to where it is, then
it will run past the tunnel, now move the purple rock from its left side to close the tunnel, now go around and scare
the lizard into the closed tunnel and fight it.
After you beaten it head to the bottom right, and in this next area
go climb the tree in the middle of this area and go around to a ledge. Once you reach the ledge, you will see a lizard
walking around(the one you scared off earlier), press circle so that you jump in front of it, the timing isn't too tricky
though. After you kill the two lizards, a giant lizard will come and attack you: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Mama Komodo HP: 160 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't too tough, attack constantly but watch for it's water beam attack, it will knock 25-30 HP off of ya. It only
has about 60 HP on its own anyways.
After the battle head to the left and keep going left until you head out of the
area. Now head to the shore area to the left to Opassa Beach.
============================================================================= OPASSA
BEACH Items: None Elements: None Party: Poshul, Serge =============================================================================
see Leena at Opassa Beach. She'll ask if you acquired the Komodo Scales(in which you did). She puts on the necklace and
sits remember the past of her and Serge, when you are given a choice, choose I REMEMBER since you can't acquire Leena's
Lvl 7 skill if you don't. She talks about her(and Serge's) future, select WE'LL NEVER FORGET THIS DAY! as well. Later before Leena
can tell Serge anything, he hears a voice. Later an FMV shows Serge looking through the waters as a flashback occurs and
a giant aura surrounds Serge as a giant tidal wave washes along shore, he then faints.
Later a man along with a
Komodo Pup wakes Serge up, he tells you that Leena is back at Arni village. After the conversation head out of here, but
you will have to go through the rock area again, this time the enemies are different and albeit harder. Don't forget
to check the treasure chests for items as well.
Now head back to Arni Village, in here don't forget to check for
items around the village, and you notice that lot has changed since you last left the village. Leena doesn't seem or
even want to believe that you are alive and everything has changed so much almost as if it was some type of conspiracy going
against you(oh no! Not another Sephiroth and Cloud conspiracy! Nooooooo!!!! Just kidding!). No matter what you say to her,
she still believes Serge is Dead and asks you to visit Cape Cowl to look for the tombstone.
============================================================================= CAPE
HOWL(ANOTHER) Items: Bone Elements: ElectroJolt Party: Serge =============================================================================
If Poshul is in your party, you get an insanely funny segment where Solt kicks Poshul down
the cliff...I'm laughing now as I'm typing this. It's cruel, but eh.
Cape Howl is
still located in the same place. Upon reaching the grave you notice that Serge died at 7, 10 years ago. Later Karsh, Peppor,
and Solt arrive and think Serge is a ghost, but Karsh tells them that "he" said that Serge would be here just as "he"
had said. Later you will see Kid, she will join Serge in an upcoming battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Karsh, Peppor, Solt HP: 320 Elements: Grn(K), Yellow(P/S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't too tough, just attack, after a while they will talk about Elements(this is actually the game giving you the
basics believe it or not) and how you should always carry elements of every color. It's just an attack and heal battle,
no biggie.
After the battle they run off, she later wishes to stay with you, but if you want to acquire Leena, then
REFUSE her. Keep refusing her and she'll leave for Termina. You will automatically end up in Arni. If Kid joined you, then Leena
will never join you in the game, but if you refused to go with Kid, Leena will head with you to Termina. Also if Kid didn't
join your party, Poshul will join you, regardless if he joined you in the HOME world. But this only happens when you
don't acquire Kid. Now head out to Fossil Valley which is directly north.
============================================================================= FOSSIL
VALLEY Items: Bellflower, Big Egg, Heavy Skull Elements: None Party: Serge, Leena, Poshul/Kid =============================================================================
with the guard at the second base of the mountain, and tell him YES, WE ARE and he will let you through. Once you climb
up head to the top and a skull will approach you, select yes and you will recieve a key item. Head around to the bottom
left and quickly pick up the egg and climb back up, the Dodo is pretty hard to defeat anyways. From the left of where you
picked up the Heavy Skull, there is a Bellflower, pick that up as well and continue on. You will later find Peppor and
Solt again...sigh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Peppor,
Solt HP: 52(Solt), 60(Peppor) Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't too hard really. They will bungle up again, thinking they used a Black element but they actually used a White
element, which does jack to Serge. Attack and heal basically.
============================================================================= TERMINA
VILLAGE Items: Hero's Medal, Profiteer Purse, Tea for Three, Teleport(if you didn't
recieve this from Kid earlier). Elements: None Party: Serge, Poshul, Leena/Kid =============================================================================
you enter through here, you will see a conversation take place. Gleen is in need of Bellflowers but their is so much ruckus
down at Fossil Valley that the lady can't acquire any. Afterwards you can walk around, there is also an inn to the far
right as well.
Later if you did not acquire Kid earlier, she will stop in front of you after Glenn leaves, she gives
a few remarks towards Leena(thinking that's Serge's girl) and leaves off.
Now go to the right and continue on through,
you will see a man in a purple cloak perform a magic trick(I guess) and you will also see Korcha, who's a bit agitated
that people would stare at a mermaid who was locked up in a tank. He'll later head out and sail towards the bottom of Termina,
but not before turning customers away. Here, go around and you will see Riddel and Glenn, who later stops and comes
to the part after noticing them. He will ask to buy the flowers you found earlier at the mountains, he'll buy them for 70G
but you can give it to him for free if you like. You notice that it's Dario resting under there but the sword never rusts
even in the rain. Riddel mentions that everyone has been acting strangely since the beast had arrived at the manor.
After the long conversation go around under the wooden bridge and talk to Korcha near the row boat, he'll tell you that
you can come back to him when you need a ride.
Head to the center of town, north of the bar and inn and speak with
the guy polishing Viper's statue. He'll tell you that Viper looks over Termina and that the party would have little
chance of entering the mansion. Later Kid comes in and overhears your conversation, she wishes you to come with her towards
Viper Manor, regardless of what you decide to choose, she will give you the Teleporter, you can put Kid in your party if
you like.
NOTE: The game splits off three ways here, once you acquire a character you
cannot acquire the other two characters until you play the New Game+. When I list, A, then
go down to A for the walkthrough leading towards Viper Manor. Also to acquire one of the
three characters, you must speak with the man polishing the statue.
--------- [ A:
Pierre ] ---------
Go inside to Smithy's Ironsmith house and talk to the man in the back, you notice that this "Pierre"
guy is behind on rent, he wishes to come along but not without the Hero's Medal. Head out to the left and go inside the
wooden house and talk to all 3 kids inside, then walk out and talk to the kid in the red who will give you a Hero Medal.
Now head back into the blacksmith house and talk to the man in fancy again, but this time give the medal you got from the
kid earlier. After that talk to him and he will join your party.
--------- [ B: Nikki ] ---------
Talk with
the man in the dressing room on the boat to the west side of Termina and then Miki will come in. Tell her you'll look for
Nikki as she distracts the guards away from Shadow Forest.
--------- [ C: Guile ] ---------
This is the most
straight forward part out of all three, just head to the bar and talk with the man in the back and ASK FOR HIS HELP. Then
have him talk to Korcha who will ferry you over to the back of the Viper Mansion.
============================================================================= A:
VIPER MANOR ENTRANCE Items: Bronze Helmet(2), Bronze Mail(2), Bronze Shield, Daemon Charm, Decor
Shield, Dragoon Guantlet, Hero's Shield, Iron Vest, Knee Pad, Manor Key, Silver Pendant Elements:
Ointment(5), RecoverAll, Revive, TurnBlack, TurnBlue, Turn Green,
TurnWhite Party: Serge, Pierre, and anybody else =============================================================================
you reach here, Pierre will introduce himself to the guards later you will be given three choices, you can choose to play
deadand when this happens, guards from the other side of the gate come and open the gate up but as you've only made
this tougher on yourself as you fight more guards since they become agitated at you. Basically storm the guards and finish
them off.
After the battle, continue on but not before Peppor and Solt meet up with you. Also in this battle, they
call upon another guard for you to take care of, which can make the battle tougher(obviously). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Solt, Ketchop, Peppor HP: 80(S), 90(P), 260(K) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In
this battle, take out Ketchop first, he attacks pretty hard. After you lose the Ketchop about 140 HP, he will take Peppor
and Solt beside him and use them to attack any given party member for for at least 60 HP of damage, so make sure your
party member's HP are up. However, he takes out 66% of the problem since Peppor and Solt are down and out. So now just
finish off Ketchop.
============================================================================= B: NIKKI, SHADOW
FOREST Items: Angry Scapula, Aroma Pouch, Skullduggery Frame Elements: AeroSaucer, Heal, Magmabomb, Uplift Party:
Serge, and anybody else. =============================================================================
Head to the
far east from Termina Square into the shadow forest, you notice that the guards are gone(if you came here earlier that
is). Keep walking into the forest and you will eventually find Nikki, he tries to get the monster to listen to his song
but eh. You will find Nikki in the next room, but he's in trouble defeat the demons for him. It'll be a 4 on 3 basically,
this battle shouldn't be too tough.
Follow Nikki under the tiny waterfall, let him join your party. He'll let you in
on his secret, he tells the party that in order to get to the mansion you will have to lure a monster for the Quaffid to
eat. Afterwards confirm your new character's name and then head back inside and read the letter. It should tell you
the details, pick up the Angry Scapula and then pick up the Aroma Pouch in the treasure chest. Check the round plants,
the bottom plant lets off a green pollen, the top let's off a red pollen, and the plant to the right lets off a blue
pollen. Take each pollen(a seed will float around you for a limited amount of time so be quick about it) to each monster
according to color, the red color monster is at the entrance of this place, the blue colored monster is in the tiny
waterfall and the green colored monster is located in the previous room before the Quaffid. You must lure the seed close enough
to the Quaffid so that he eats the monster, once he eats a monster he moves a little bit. Press the action button over
him and take care of this guy. If you fed him a Green or Blue monster, you will have to fight it. However, the nice
thing about the red monster that he ate is that it will shrink him, he apologizes and gives you the Skull Daggery Frame.
towards the center of the forest, but you will then be attacked by Zoah, Peppor and Solt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Zoah, Peppor, Solt HP: 80(S), 90(P), 200(Z) Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You
will get a little more feel of how elements work in this game. Attack as normal, nothing much really this battle is pretty
Inside you will eventually see a Wraith, defeat it and push the boulder to block the Gerridaes from coming
out. Continue on through and the party will stay the night so they can sneak in.
============================================================================= C:
GUILE, VIPER MANOR BLUFFS Items: None Elements: Heal, FreeFall(trap), Meteorite, PhotonRay, Tablet(5) Party: Serge,
Alf, anybody else =============================================================================
This place isn't
very long, but it's probably the most difficult of the three. The Acacia guard at the top will throw boulders down at you,
note that you lose 10HP per boulder that is thrown down at you. It's pretty easy to avoid the boulders, but watch out
for small geysers that shoot off like waterfalls. Climb the rocks but stop just under the geysers, then as the geysers
die down quickly climb up. Sometimes you will need to use the geysers to retrieve some elements in here, so keep note of
that. When you reach the top defeat the Acacia troops and then you will have to face Kingmoaman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Kingmoaman HP: 250 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too tough since Guile is in your party, attack as normal and use any white elements on Kingmoaman.
Attack and heal is pretty much the strategy to winning this battle since you didn't recieve much elements so far in
the game anyways.
After the battle the party reaches the Manor and decide to stay the night and sneak in when it's
============================================================================= VIPER MANOR Items: Bronze
Helmet(2), Bronze Mail(2), Bronze Shield, Daemon Charm, Decor Shield, Dragoon Guantlet,
Hero's Shield, Iron Vest, Knee Pad, Manor Key, Silver Pendant Elements: Ointment(5),
RecoverAll, Revive, TurnBlack, TurnBlue, Turn Green, TurnWhite Party:
Serge, anybody else =============================================================================
After the scenarios(either
A,B, or C) an FMV begins displacing nighttime. You will have to wait the night to sneak in since there are so many guards
about the place. At night time be careful about the guards, when a guard spots you, the battle doesn't automatically
begin, you can run away from the guards. Then again it doesn't hurt to boost your stats up a bit. Now when you enter the
dragon stable, inside is a save point above, you may want to fight some more battles outside if you are strong enough,
otherwise save your game. Now when you head upwards, talk to the guy standing and you can play a mini game of feeding
all the dragons.
NOTE: In order to advance you must beat the mini-game, so pick 10 and you
should win easily.
You will play a mini game of feeding the herds, any number will do but the higher the number
the harder it will be to feed them all, you will have to feed the herds 10 and so on. Not a hard game but the higher the
number the better the prize. Below is a small chart of the items you recieve depending on how well you played the mini
game and how many dragons you were able to feed, and note that if you get 39, you will still end up with a Bronze Mail instead
of a RecoverAll element, keep that in mind!
10 | Knee Pad 20 | Bronze Helmet 30 | Bronze Mail 40
| RecoverAll 100 | Iron Vest
Afterwards check the top drawer at the top right for the Manor Key.
Now head
back outside and go to the bottom right and enter through the door and pick up the item inside. Afterwards, head back to
the entrance of the mansion and defeat the guards in front of the door(if there are any) and then enter inside the mansion,
if Kid wasn't in your party(if you had refused her earlier) then she will be shown following you as you enter in the Manor.
Now head straight above and enter any old combination(the combination IS DIFFERENT EVERYTIME YOU PLAY THE GAME!) to
the statue above and you will fall to the floor below. In here you are trapped in a jail cell with three guards in front.
Kid is in your party, she'll distract the guards and eventually they open the gates and attack you. If she's not in your
party, hit the cell a few times, then wait a moment until Kid arrives. When she stands up, hit the cell and Kid will
knock the guard out. She will then leave, head out of the cell but you'll be automatically put into battle. After the battle
the party disguises themselves, but if Poshul is in your party, you notice that she can't fit into it.
Now head
to the left gate and enter through the top door and in this room take the treasure chest at the top right. Also talk to
Gleen(the one in the cloak armor) and follow him outside and go to the third room from the right. In here there is a
save point to the right, feel free to save your game and to the left around the wall is a treasure chest. You can check
the wall Glenn is looking at, but it's nothing significant except for the fact that it can be the combination! Now head
out and go to the left staircase and in here, at the end is a gold golem but he won't let you through. Go to the first
door near the staircase and pick up the two treasure chests at the end, however the little treasure chest will fight
you, but if you attack the little treasure chest once it will open up and give you the treasure inside it(aww! How cute!).
is a girl sleeping on the sofa but you can't recruit her or do anything else so leave and enter the next door with the
eye in front of it. A fight will start and you will have to fight a door(So I guess the quote "You hit door but door
no hit back" doesn't apply eh?), the door isn't tough and will let out a random opponent midway through the battle(I wonder
where Square got the idea to fight doors...hmmmmmm...). However, you can't enter the door, so return back to the jail
cell you first fell through and then take the right gate.
Talk to the guards and you will be given four options,
but you should take the first option since that allows the guards to move out of the way and let you through. In here
fight with the treasure chest to recieve 100G(if you picked the correct one that is).
NOTE: If Kid is not in your
party, you'll see her looking around as she talks a bit about the Frozen Flame.
head up the middle of the room and pick up the items on the marble podiums. After equipping your new items, check the necklass
on the wall to the right, you can choose to take the necklace, either way you will be thrown into the next room, that
is of course you don't bother taking the necklace that is.
In this next room, the Luccia will be reluctant to help
you and bring you out of the cage. I'm guessing this is either an animal hospital or just another Umbrella lab(if your
not an RE fan then don't ask). Luccia lets them out, but she wants them all to be their guinea pigs and she will send a
Neo N Bulb to attack you. Now, head up to Pip and talk to him, after a second time that you talk to him, unlock the
cage for Pip. After that leave the room and then head up the stairs to the right(you can choose to fight the Golem outside
if you like, he's pretty tough though). Then enter the room with the eye, you can avoid battle if you enter in it when
its eye is closed. Inside here try to take the treasure chest at the top but the guard will wake up, you can't take
the treasure chest in here. Head to the next room with Karsh and try to open the treasure chest 20 times, he'll get annoyed
and will let you have the item, you can also obtain some information from Karsh.
Return to the entrance hall where
you first dealt with that spinning statue and enter in the combination you had recieved earlier. After that continue on through,
in here take the right path and you will see somewhat of a familiar scene, well it's much like the rendered version of
Chrono's escape from Guardia castle in Chrono Trigger. Continue on through to the left until you reach the library.
In here head up the stairs and talk to the little girl in pink, this will have the party reveal themselves out of the
uniforms they stole. She doesn't really seem to care if you are Dragoons or not, later Gespar notices you immediately(Serge).
He later tells of the two worlds, he tells Serge that the two worlds are basically completely different from each other
but each world effects the other one.
You might also want to take note of what he tells you, press START on the world
map and choose ON, this way you won't get lost into which world your really in(even though both worlds on the world map
plays different music). Later Marcy wants to fight the party, apparently Marcy is one of the four Acacia Dragoon Devas,
the highest ranking dragoon in Acacia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Marcy HP: 525 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be pretty tough. Any red element should do well against her, you should attack her as normal. If you have a
Turn(insert color here) element, use that on Marcy, then have another party member attack with an element opposite of
the color you used on Marcy. This should help alleviate any problems that might occur later on in the battle.
the battle Gespar will tell you about 8 pillars, he tells you that the pillar on the second to last on the left will enable
a switch to release down an elevator. You can head up around the stairs and there is a switch on the bookshelf near
the ladder just to the left, hit that switch and the ladder will descend. Climb up the ladder and pick up the TurnWhite
inside. When you reach back you will meet up with Kid, and a strange jester girl named Harle. Harle's accent is pretty
much French, she throws a few insults and Kid and makes passes at Serge...these insults are really top class(LMAO!), she
later leaves. Afterwards look for an invisible switch at the top left column and it will bring down an elevator and
thus intiating an easy fight with the guards. After the battle, take the elevator up and to the left is a save triangle, save
your game and take the door closest to the right, you don't have to defeat the eye to enter the door though, so remember
When you get in here, check the shining crystal in the back. As the party looks over the crystal, a man from
behind the wall(behind the bookshelf actually) will come through. Kid wants to know why the wanted to capture Serge,
but Viper "haven't the foggiest" of what she's talking about. Later Lynx and Kid share a few words, Kid wants to look for
the Frozen Flame but it's not in Viper Manor, he tells her that it's hidden in the sea of Eden where the two worlds
collide. She'll try to attack Lynx but he'll attack the party instead(if Kid didn't join your party the first time she
met you). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Lynx
HP: 1000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle obviously will be the toughest one yet, luckily you saved earlier right? But eh. Use the IceBlast element you recieved
from Marcy earlier, it should help in this battle. You should have Serge attack in this battle since his physical attacks
deal a hefty amount of damage(more than normal actually). You should use your Ointments to heal and just attack as normal basically.
the battle you noticed that all you faced was a shadow(damn! luckily you can wait later to fight his true form), as Lynx
talks to Serge, a strange energy overcomes Serge. The face of Lynx quickly flashes and a giant explosion in Chronopolis
takes place.
After that, Riddel comes in, Kidd quickly holds her "hostage." They walk outside and as the guards
come, Serge steps in their way as Kidd still hides behind Riddel. They head to the courtyard and as Kid is distracted by
the height of which they are on, Lynx quickly throws a poison daggar at Kid as she drops down below. Later Lynx goes
after Serge, but he regains his sense and jumps down below.
============================================================================= AWAKE
IN GULDOVE Items: Astral Amulet, Feathery Dress, Green Tinkler, Pelvic Bone, Tropical
Paradise Frame Elements: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
later awakens in a room where Macha has nursed him back to health. After that head out of the room, you will find Kid and
the rest of your party members outside However Kidd later faints and it appears that Kidd is badly poisoned, later they
put Kidd in a bed to rest. Later Harle will come in and play a few tricks on the party before she leaves. After that talk
to Kidd, you will recieve an item from her.
NOTE: This is where the storyline splits up and it can drastically change
the outcome of the following events, from here to sometime later in the game. But whatever
you choose, Kid will be saved no matter what. Also take note that depending on which path
you wish to take will determine which characters can be acquired and which characters will
have to wait until the New Game+.
You chose to look for the Hydra Humour | You choose not to save Kid -------------------------------------------------------------------- Korcha
| Doc Mel
| Glenn Razzly
| Macha
A: You Chose to Help Kid.
Now when you head out talk to the little kid near the boat, it appears that he
won't let you through, so go to the left and up the ladder, you can't enter the tent down below because it seems that the
party doesn't want to barge in a heated discussion between the bartender and customer. Now head inside the tent(on the
upper floor of the docks) and a conversation will take place. There is also a save point to the upper left, after that
talk to the Direa and Steena several times, on the second go around you get 6 choices from Steena. They are all answers
to questions that are presented, you might find yourself stuck in a loophole unable to escape asking questions, so choose
the first option and then leave. You can show Direa the Astral Amulet that Kid gave to you.
Now head back to the
east docks and speak with Korcha in front of the boat again. He'll take you back to Termina.
B: You chose not to
help Kid.
Korcha will become pissed and take the Astral Amulet back from you. Head outside and talk with the Item/Element
trader, you don't have to trade anything but tell the trader that you will do the favor of returning the bone to a certain
individual and you will recieve the Pelvic Bone. Head to the inn and you will see Doc, he's worried that he can't save
another life. Orlha does some convincing as Doc summons up enough ability to see what he can do for Kid. Head to Korcha(he's
in the tent to the west part of town, climb up and head left), ask him for his boat. He'll refuse but Macha will come in
and is shocked to see her son in such disbehavior, she realizes that Serge doesn't know what to do, instead of refusing
to help Kid. Korcha later apologizes(forcefully from his own mother) but he still doesn't want to give up his boat.
Macha will then borrow his boat, she later leaves but comes back and gives you the Tropical Paradise frame.
out and go to the far left to the Dragon Shrine and talk with Direa and Steena, you can't get through without talking to
them first. When you reach Direa, Serge tells her his story, she tells you about the Land of Genesis. When you talk
to Steena you'll get a lot of information, many of the places are named after dragons...you also get notice that the Tear
of Hate has been stolen. Head to Macha and tell her your ready to go. She'll take you back to Termina. *NOTE* Head to
the B section of this walkthrough below.
============================================================================= A:
SAVE KIDD NOW! Items: Bronze Rod, Daemon Charm, Parlor Key, Porre's Furnace Frame, Silver
Earring Elements: None =============================================================================
Head out
of Telmina Square and to the world map, return to the beach area to the west and when you reach here, the party notices
a small energy fountain on the shores. Go to your item menu(Square button) and use the Astral Amulet, this will send
the party to the other dimension. Now head out to the world map(notice the music was like before?) and head back to the swamp.
In here talk to the man standing in the way, he will move out of the way. Now head to the top area, but the party notices
a ghostly figure in the way. In this next room the plant up top lets you through(unlike in the other dimension), continue
on to the next area. You will see giant plants but there is no need to fight them unless they are in your way, so continue to
the right. In this next room there is a save point, save your game and continue to the right where you see some daffy dwarves
spinning around. This will initiate an automatic battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Hi-Ho Dwarves HP: 90(each) Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be EXTREMELY tough, they start off with attacks that are severely powerful and continue to attack like this.
Focus on one at a time and heal when neccessary. Green elements are definitely useful in this battle and if you have
TurnBlack, you can use it on each one and have Serge attack the one affected with the Turn Black element...Serge should
be able to finish one off with two strong shots.
After the battle, take the treasure chest in the room and continue
to the top right path. In here you will find a giant creature in the seas and the little guy that ran through hides
in the water...Ah Oh! A battle is about to start(gee...how I figure that out?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Hydra HP: 750 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, the monster has high defense and powerful attacks. It often counter attacks as well, so you should
use elements once in a while. Serge is the character with the most feasible hit percentage, use TurnBlack on this guy
and attack with Serge, red elements definitely work good in this battle...just note that you should keep your HP above
After the battle examine the Hydra that you just killed, it will turn into one of your key items. Now head
out of here and you will be automatically taken to the area you began in. Now take the left path and onto the next route.
Before you can get any farther they see a HUGE ass bug flying around. Keep going on and pick up any treasures that you
see and when you reach the next area, another creature attacks you. It's not too powerful and has rather weak attacks,
but it does have a lot of HP. After you defeat the Beeb, pick up the treasure chest that he gives to the party and inside
the treasure chest is a Beeba Flute.
Now save your game and continue on, in the next area you see that same idiot
looming over another treasure chest, choose the first option and fight him for that treasure chest. This battle is twice
as easy as the last battle and shouldn't last too long though. After that continue to the next area and the party will
stop and talk. Now go to your item list and use the flute, this will summon a giant bug(great, now look what you done). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Wingapede HP: 430 Element: Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, once it uses it breath attack it will poison the party members, just attack and heal and use elements
in this battle. It will help a lot to use elements in this battle, mainly use any thunder(yellow) spells that you may
have, it can help a lot in this battle.
Keep walking to the center of the platform, it cracks even more until you fall
to the bottom. Unfortunately you land hard on top of a plant in the middle, A HUGE PLANT for that matter. You'll knock
it unconcious since you fell so far down, talk to the little fairy in the cage and this will prompt the monster to attack
you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Pentapus
HP: 600 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In
this battle, attack with Fireball, it's probably the most successful attack that will hit. You should mainly have Serge
attack as normal, other characters like Kid will do a significant amount of damage to this guy since any opposite element
will deal a little more damage.
After the battle talk to the fairy in the cage again and you'll acquire her in your
party! Yay! After that you can leave this place.
NOTE: Head down to the RETURN TO GULDOVE section and skip the bottom
============================================================================= B: Return to Termina Items:
None Elements: None Party: Serge, and other people =============================================================================
heading here you see a man that gets a bit agitated that you docked your boat there. Macha scares the guy off, head to
the entrance of Termina to find Glenn. He'll talk to the lady about his goal of reaching Fort Dragonia, but he was asked
to stay behind to watch over the manor. If he disobeys he will be taken down from his rank, but it's a more serious matter
than rank. He leaves off(find him near your boat), go talk to Macha again. She will lend you the boat to head to Fort
Dragonia, Glenn will come in and ask for use of the boat as well. LET HIM JOIN, but he then tells you to head to an island
up north and to the east. You can let Macha join your party if you like, but if not she literally swims back home.
to the shrine on the far east of Termina where you gave Glenn the Bellflower earlier. You will see Greco and two other
people paying their last respects. Follow Greco into his house, talk with him and he'll aid the party, but not before
a little convincing from his wife Romana.
============================================================================= B:
HERMIT'S HIDEAWAY Items: None Elements: None Party: serge, and other people =============================================================================
head back to your boat and head to Hermit's Hideaway, which is located at the top right on the world map(the green island
with black smoke coming out). When you arrive you notice that the place has basically torn down by flames, she basically
burned down the place because she was ordered to and she didn't like the "old geezer." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Harle HP: 400 Element: Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's
not that tough of an opponent, she's one of the easier opponents actually. Attack like normal, IceBlast and Fireball can
help speed things up in the fight as well.
After the battle she runs off, Radius comes in and notices Glenn(if he's
in your party) and he was apparently informed by Riddel that Lynx and Viper were heading to Fort Dragonia. He tells
the party that he has a sturdy underground house that should still be intact. He tells the party that he, Zappa, and Garai(Glenn's
father) use to conquer the battlefield. But he later died as did Dario, it was then that Lynx came up to Viper and told
him of all the wonders the Frozen Flame would bring in. Later the party rests, afterwards head back out to your boat.
Head down to the S.S. INVINCIBLE walkthrough.
============================================================================= A:
RETURN TO GULDOVE Items: None Elements: None Party: Serge, and other people =============================================================================
back to Telmina Square and head to the docks and go back to the area where Kidd was in. Head back inside to the house Kidd
was in and then show the doctor(the man sitting in the chair) the medicine you retrieved from your world. A conversation
will take place here and afterwards the party waits for Kidd to get better. After a conversation, the scene changes to night
time and it shows a little girl wandering around but messes around with a few things. In the morning, Serge envisions that
same sight he saw earlier with the giant explosion and the lion knight approaching him. Afterwards Kidd will give you
two choices, select the first choice or you can wait and don't select any at all. Later when Kidd looks for her elements,
she notices that she can't find them. They head out of the room and see Mel and ask her where Kidd's elements are but she
runs off too fast for the party to catch, but is then stopped by the doctor. Talk to Korcha on the docks near the boat
and return to Telmina.
============================================================================= A: RETURN TO
TERMINA Items: Brass Rod Elements: None Party: Serge, anybody else =============================================================================
You would only come to this event when you chose to save Kid earlier.
When you try to exit out of Telmina Square, you
find Glenn on top of some crates, he doesn't seem too happy. After a long conversation about the suspicions of Serge
and Kid, Glenn leaves. After that go back and talk to Korcha on the docks, Korcha will lend you the boat on two conditions...when you
find the Dragon Tear you give it to him and when the party comes back he wants...*mumble*...Kid to be his wife! LMFAO!!!
Here you can have Korcha in your party if you like. After that take his boat and sail around the world(just to explore
a bit if you like), then sail to the bottom right of the main continent, into the thick fog will extremely low visibility
and enter it.
============================================================================= S.S. INVINCIBLE Items:
None Elements: Aquaball, Capsule, FirePillar, Garvitonne, Panacea, PhotonBeam Party: Serge and whoever =============================================================================
party will wonder if it's a ghost ship or not. Regardless they dock the ship anyways because theit boat cannot navigate
through the fog. Fargo, the ship's captain, already know that the party is after Mt.Pyre, but Viper and Lynx have already
docked through to Mt.Pyre. Fargo himself have had his dealings with Lynx, and since then he has had to disguise the ship
as a ghost ship. He then wants to test out the party to see if they can face Lynx. You'll face a battle against Man-o-Wars,
not too tough. It looks like you'll face a much tougher opponent afterwards. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Polly HP: 540 Element: Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IceBlast
definitely works great in this battle, hopefully you've equipped it after defeating Marcy. Have your party members attack
as normal, any blue element party members will deal significant damage towards this guy. He's not too tough really,
all you have to do is attack with blue and keep your HP up.
After the battle you recieve a star, Fargo will translate
what Polly said and you'll soon have to face a much tougher opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Fargo HP: 660 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fireball
and Magmabomb works nicely in this battle. If Kid is in your group, she can deal out significant damage as well. Have your
weaker characters(Macha, Poshul, Lenna, etc.) be the healers and have Glenn and Serge use their X-Strike if they are
in your party. You will need to be at lvl 3(for both Glenn and Serge) and have not used the Dash&Gash attack already.
It'll deal out hectic damage against this guy, watch for Fargo though, his physical attacks are pretty powerful. Keep your
HP up and attack.
After the battle you notice that the party is a bit woozy, they party were stung by a jellyfish
fluid, and fall fast asleep. Later when they wake up they notice that the fog has become a lot thicker than before. The
REAL ghost ship appears out of the midst of the fog, later they are attacked by a few Crossbones(which are easily taken
care of). After that SAVE YOUR GAME, this is not an option, just save your game, you went through a lot in a short time and
it would be shameful for you to go through all of that again. Head out and you will see pirates fighting against the monsters,
defeat the Crossbones and Wraiths if you like.
Head to the next room(the room next to your save room) but the door
to the far right is blocked. In this room the skeleton examines the bed on the table and then fights with the pirate,
so help the pirate out! You can also cimb to the counter and grab the treasure chest. Now thead out and take the ladder
upwards and then take the room to the right, inside is a trasure chest but there is a ghost in front of it. After you pick
up the treasure head out and take the left, you will see a pirate battling with a skeleton at the tier, defeat it and
then head back to the room in front of the burning barrels, then check the ventalation shaft at the back of the room.
In this next room is a treasure chest and a pirate fighting some monsters, feel free to help him out if you like. Then
head outside and take a right and talk to the pirate, he will let you through then talk to the other pirates and you
will get a key. Head down the ladder and go to the door in front of your save room, unlock the door to the right and
continue on through.
Keep walking and head out to the side ports of the ship. There is a pirate to the right, talking
to him will allow you to drink his vitamin, but it also causes random status effects(harharhar!), but drinking it again
will reverse the effects. Then head to the left and down the ladder. Keep going to the right and enter the door. Continue
to the top and to the left, you will also see Pip from the manson, whom you rescued earlier. Chase him around and then he
will join your party.
Continue to the left and you will reach the upper docks of the ship, you will have to fight
several battles here as well. After the battle head up to the left and you will find the pirate captain in a bit of a rut.
Later you will have to face a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Deadhead HP: 700 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In
this boss battle, you see those 5 little creatures, its laughable but not when they combine into a giant version of themselves!
It's all a matter of attack and heal, but use your elements in this battle. It has some pretty powerful attacks and
try to keep your HP above 65 at least. Note that your attacks can miss a lot of times, despite the fact that this guy is
as big as a truck, use Elements to score damage against it. Meteorite will deal amazing damage in this battle, as will
the X-Strike.
After recieving another star, Fargo tells you that Mt.Pyre is a "Fiery Hell" and that you'll need
to protect yourself against the immense heat. He tells you to speak with the Water Dragon, but he hasn't heard from any
other dragons, and the whole world seems to be falling apart.
============================================================================= WATER
DRAGON ISLE(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items: Iron(3) Elements: None. Party: Serge and other people. =============================================================================
to the island directly south of the main continent. Be warned that this place has some pretty nasty enemies, there really
isn't much to do here besides collect some Iron if you ever want to forge anything.
Another item of usefulness here
are the Sturdy Ribs, which you can acquire by talking to the guy near the top of the first area on the Dragon Isle.
If you already have Kid in your party, head to the OPASSA BEACH portion of this guide. If
you don't then use the B walkthrough, which is directly linked from the previous B events.
============================================================================= B:
RETURN TO GULDOVE(ANOTHER) Items: None Elements: None Party: Serge and whoever =============================================================================
If you chose to save kid earlier, then you do not have to come back here, but if you chose
to move on, you will have to come back here.
Head back to Kid, but when you reach her you notice that she's gone...but
she later comes in through the door. She seems fine, she doesn't know how the poison was neutralized though, the Doc
tells the party that a man had brought the item to him when he heard about the certain condition that Kid was in. However,
Doc has never seen this guy before, and all he said was "from the mainland..." but who was it? Anyways, Doc will automatically
join your ever growing party.
Later the party talks things over, the Water Dragon Isle has run dry. But Kid reminds
Serge of what the Shaman told him, anything missing in one world can be found in the other. Kid tells the party that her
Amulet will get them to the other world, but the Amulet alone is not enough. Serge apparently seems to be the other
link to the other world...Kid gives you the Astral Amulet and joins your party again.
Before you head out, you may
want to Forge the Bronze Amulet, head back to your boat and head to Opassa Beach.
============================================================================= OPASSA
BEACH Items: None Elements: None Party: Serge and whoever =============================================================================
heading here the party will talk for a while, using your Astral Amulet on the green portal. Head back to Arni village,
talk to the ferryman near Leena and he'll take you to the Water Dragon Isle for 100G.
============================================================================= WATER
DRAGON ISLE(HOME)[OPTIONAL] Items: Ice Breath, Iron, Magic Ring Elements: Aquabreath, FrogPrince, Iceblast Party:
Serge and whoever =============================================================================
Upon arriving here,
take the lilypads across, behind the waterfall lies an Iron. When you reach the next area you notice that the dwarves have
taken over the place. Defeat the Dwarves(although it's just optional) and head inside to the cave. You will have to
defeat 7 Dwarves this time, and this battle will be amazingly tough. But it's just a regular battle mainly, after the
battle follow them to the next area, you see Dwarves hovering over your save point, you'll need to defeat them if you want
to save and I suggest you do.
Head down(pick up the Scaley Dress behind the waterfall along the way) and when
you reach the Dwarves, they'll attack you with a giant tank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Hi-Ho Tank, Hi-Ho Dwarves HP: 1000(tank), 150(Dwarves) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My
gosh this is by far the toughest battle yet. Your main priority is to knock out the two Dwarves on the side, then attack
the tank. The problem with this is that the tank has incredibly durable defense, your attack damage is cut down by nearl
30% and worst on that, the Dwarf casts HiRes on the tank, meaning you can basically see your physical attacks almost halved.
Use green elements like Bushwhacker, attack as normal and keep your HP above 100. The tank can attack the entire party
with it's tank...twice in a row. It'll do about 30-45 HP of damage each turn.
NOTE: Either one of two scenarios
will happen. To get the A scenario you must have chose to save Kid. To get the B scenario
you must have chose not to save Kid.
A) After the battle the Dwarves conjure a few
words, they then learn that there is a baby Hydra still left in the forest. They wish to make ammends for their past
sins as well...so they head back to Hydra Marsh. When you do return to Hydra Marsh, you find them in a much better mood
than before. When you have Razzly in your party, she'll talk with Rosetta...she then temporarily leaves your party for
a bit while you go on ahead to get the Ice Breath and the FrogPrince summon. Later the faires blame the humans for the suffering
that was caused, but Razzly can't return to her home since she has caused so much grief. They later give Razzly the Wisp
Cape and hope that she returns once her feelings are set.
B) After the battle the Dwarves die, continue onto the
Blue Dragon, you will see Rosetta, she seems to be fine. When you head inside the Blue Dragon gives you both the Water
Breath and the Frog Prince summon. Afterwards, the fairies are angry at the party, it was the humans' fault that drove
the dwarves into the fairies home, Kid later then faints...and FMV displaces Lucca's house set ablaze...here you learn
about her past a bit. She was abandoned as a child, someone took Kid in and raised her...she mentions that she was always
"always making strange stuff" and that pretty much sums it up of who helped Kid.
In the morning, pick up the Aquaball
if you haven't already done so and head back to ANOTHER world and head to Mt.Pyre.
NOTE: Before heading to Mt. Pyre,
you can head to Arni Village in ANOTHER world, in the house next to the flowershop, head
downstairs and you will find a man downstairs worshipping a hay doll from the Far East.
Show him the Shark Tooth. The man tells the party that he wanted to become a fisherman ten
years ago, but chose another path. As you try to leave the doll talks to you, he later joins
your party.
============================================================================= MOUNT PYRE Items: None Elements:
Capsule, MagmaBomb, MagmaBurst, Tablet(10), Inferno(trap) Party: Serge and whoever =============================================================================
If you freeze the pool before you pick up the treasure chest, you will not be able to pick
up the treasure chest.
When you enter here use the Ice Breath item to cool the lava. Pick up various treasure chests
along the way, and note that the enemies in here ARE RATHER STRONG. Continue onwards and climb to the top and you will
find Peppor and Solt than regular opponents, they just won't leave you alone...sigh it looks like your going to have
to open up another can of...WHOOP ASS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Peppor and Solt HP: 380(Peppor), 450(Solt) Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gosh,
they do so much talking that it makes you feel like you should've brought a six pack of...WHOOP ASS(I love saying that).
They start the battle off by talking about Trap Elements, you can trap the matching element by casting it on an opponent.
They demonstrate it in front of you, take notes if you have to. Peppor will attack Solt for being an idiot, so at least
a few HP can be knocked off. Use your stronger elements like Bushwhacker or Bushbasher if you have it. Meteorite works
nicely in this battle as well.
After the battle head to the top where the two ran off. In this next area pick up
the treasure chests around the area and there should be a save point just above. Save your game and continue on through.
In here you see a giant flame dragon to the right, but a smaller more puny dragon will attack you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Red Dragon HP: 1100 Element: Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh
my gosh! This guy is A LOT stronger than he looks! Remind me never to insult him again, unless I kick his ass of course
(^_^). Use your blue element attacks if you have any in this battle, it can be of great use. Watch for his flaming breath
attack, it does over 100 HP to a single character and his regular attacks do about 50 HP of damage, keep your HP up to
the max if you can. Iceblast works very well in this battle, a couple of shots from this and he's toast.
I suggest
you go back and save your game, you will have another VERY TOUGH boss battle ahead, against not one, not two, but three
opponents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Dragoon Devas
HP: 370(Karsh), 300(Marcy), 436(Zoah) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle is extremely tough, various attacks include throwing a hammer around attacking all three party members causing over
50 HP of damage per hit! Aicoromba(sp?)! Don't worry about the little girl, she misses with her attacks often, so save
her has a last scratching post. Attack the knight first then the samurai, then the little girl and keep your HP above 80
at all times.
After the battle, you will see Harle, she'll ask if you wish to go any further, obviously you will
want to go on. When you head out an FMV will start retracing back to where Kidd gets stabbed at Serge's hands. Now head
to the center of the towers but save your game outside. When you enter inside, you might have to fight a POWERFUL Dragoon
NOTE: The Dragoon will only fight you if you had bothered to acquire the
Ice Breath from Blue Dragon Isle...if not he will not be at the entrance at all...but he
does give you a star though.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Dragoon HP: 670 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be amazingly tough, he moves quick and attacks hard. IceBlast will work pretty well in this battle. Avoid any
yellow element attacks, have Serge attack as normal and definitely use the X-Strike if you have it, it does insane damage
and can easily dismember this guy to half his HP.
After you defeat him, head inside and keep going straight until
you reach the center room. In here is a save point and four doors, take the bottom right door for now. Continue on through
until you reach a bird statue at the end. You will most likely pick the wrong selection and will be dropped to the bottom,
so when you do, go over the red triangle and it will restore all of your HP. Now head to the left and climb up the ladder and
you will be able to reach the bird statue room again. Pick the 3rd choice and you will be dropped to an area that is next
to a pillar of red light. Hit the switch for that that light and it will light up another room. After that head back
to the main room with the four doors and a save point. From here head to the top right door, from here head straight
up to the next staircase loop room. In here pick up the treasure chest at the top left and bottom left. Now take the top
path(go down the stairs and to the top) and go around to the bottom left and pick up the treasure chest, THEN HEAD BACK
TO THE LOWER LEVEL OF THIS SAME ROOM BY GOING AROUND AND BACK. Now in this room, head around the staircases to the right,
then continue through to the next area. In this next room, just go around and take the top path(ignore the bottom path
for now). In this next room take the bottom path to pick up a treasure chest and then take the top route and go around
to the next area.
In here, its pretty much linear, go around and hit the blue switch, this will enable a staircase
for later use. Then continue onwards until you reach a room with a GIANT gold robot which is about 5x the size of the regular
ones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Taursoid
HP: 1200 Element: Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS
BATTLE WILL BE EXTREMELY TOUGH! Be cautious about your HP, he has this BodyDrop attack where he picks you up and throws
you to the ground, causing over 100 HP of damage! He also has this ground attack that can inflict 70 HP of damage to
all characters, combine it with the fact that he has a lot of HP and high physical defense, you will have a lot of trouble
beating this guy. As usual, use yellow elements against this guy, he does have high defense but pretty average magic defense,
attack with Uplift and the sorts.
After the battle hit the switch that turns off the green beam of light, and
another energy statue will connect to an orical sphere in another room. Head back to the room with the four doors and the
save point, I suggest you save your game. Now take the top left room until you reach the room with a blue switch to
the right. Now go along the hallway and the two treasure boxes act like switches, so open them accordingly and get around until
you reach the other two treasure boxes. These will also act like switches, you can mess around with them a little, but
continue to the next set of treasure chests and open the right treasure chest but keep the left one closed. Then go
around back to the other set of treasure chests you were at before and open both of them. This will lead a route to the next
door area, if you decide to go to the other door to the left, you will have to fight a very tough battle. For now just
head to the right room and pick up a treasure chest inside. Now go to the right set of treasure boxes and open up the
right one but close the left treasure chest, then go around to the top left set of treasure chests and open the right
one but close the left treasure chest. Now walk along the bridge and walk to the bottom right door, hit the blue switch
to enable a staircase and continue to the right.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Giant Gloop HP: 900 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before
you can hit the switch, a giant bubble attacks you. He's not nearly as hard as the other boss you fought before and its
the same attack and heal strategy, but watch for the bubble though, it can freeze one of your party members, use an
element to have them shake free of it, but the attack also does about 120+ HP of damage! Keep your HP above 150 at all times
and heal when neccessary. Now hit the switch and you pretty much know what is going to happen next.
Return back
to the save room and save your game again, then take the last route to the left. In this room, it seems to be a sorta of
a maze, go around it and take the left side and go to the next area, ignore the small plate on the floor to the top.
In this next room check the marble podium and press the action button over it. You will have to switch party members each
time you are at the podium, pressing the switch on the podium each time allows you to move the small block bridge around,
keep switching it around until it leads a path to a blue switch, press the blue switch to reveal a staircase. After
hitting the switch, go back to the podium and then keep pressing the switch until it leads to the center light. Here is the
chart that will help you out:
| Location of block ------------------------------------------------------------- Body, Head, Tail
| Nowhere Body, Tail, Head | Creates reachable block to Earth Charm. Head, Body, Tail
| Leads to staircase switch Head, Tail, Body | Nowhere Tail, Body, Head | Leads
block to control panel Tail, Head, Body | Creates reachable block to Electrobolt
Obviously, your
main goal is to create the Tail, Head, Body path so you can shut down the yellow crystal. Like I said before, always step
on the blue platform to reconfigure your party. Say you came in as Serge, Glenn, and Greco. Well you will need to have
Greco, Glenn, and Serge and stepping on the blue platform outside will allow you to do that. Head back to the initial
room, when you enter through you will have to face a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Sunofagun HP: 365 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, its a pretty ugly boss too, watch out when it tries to kiss you, that usually means that character
will be the main target for various upcoming attacks. Your physical attacks won't do as much as you like because it
has high resistance to physical attacks, try to use your elements in this battle. It doesn't have much HP like other bosses, but
it can inflict serious pain if your not careful, trying keeping the HP above 70. Use any black elements like GravityBlow
and Gravitonne.
After the battle switch off the beam of light, later an elevator will come downwards. Go around
to that elevator and choose the first choice and this part should LOOK VERY FAMILIAR...it's the same area as the first
part of the game, the dream that you had. This explains a lot since your character was random and Serge and Kidd are
in the party. Take the right path and in this next room, just go around and to the outside of the towers. From here
take the staircase to the left and then inside go down to the next right. Collect the treasure chest to the left and go
to the right, and inside is a treasure chest, pick it up and head back out. Now head back inside the tower and go around,
you can't do anything with the portal in the middle. When you reach the other room, a monster immediately attacks you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Bunyip HP: 1400(total) Element: Red(1st), Black(2nd) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh
my gosh! This dude has over 1400 HP for you to deal with! It's the toughest battle in here yet, attack first with Iceblast
and any other blue attacks. When ti changes form, Serge will deal out a lot of damage. Use PhotonBeam or PhotonRay on
this guy's second form. Watch for it's FreeFall attack, it does rediculous damage to any given party member. Attack and heal
as usual...keep your HP above 150 this time.
After the battle switch the beam of light in the middle, this will set
all 6 of the lights to the center orb. Head back to that room with the teleport platform in the middle and press the
action button over the center of it.
This will teleport the party to the castle above, remember earlier in the game
that this is where the nightmare ended with Kidd dying at the hands of Serge? Will that happen? The suspense is killing
you isn't it? Well go forward and see what happens! When you go to the door, the flashback occurs for like the 4th time
already, Serge doesn't seem like 100% after that flashback. Head inside, Viper is all set on his goals... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Viper HP: 820 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
fight will be extremely tough, he has over 1000 HP and powerful attacks and yes, powerful combos! Ah! Keep your HP around
100 if you know what is good for you! Attack and heal, as usual since your physical attacks do about the same amount
of damage that they should do. Bushbasher works pretty good in this battle, as will any other green element using character. Viper
doesn't use his elements much, but when he does, they hurt a ton, mainly the G-Force attack, green element characters are
especially susceptible to this.
After the battle, Viper laughs at the party and will go at full strength this time,
but Lynx stabs in and takes care of duties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Lynx HP: 1000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle is just as tough as the last one, keep your HP above 110!! He has a powerful slash attack that can easily render
40% of Serge's total HP. Use your elements in this battle as usual, and watch for the combination attacks, 40+ each
hit three times over is enough to get any party member down. PhotonBeam and PhotonRay are especially effective in this
battle, have Serge attack as normal.
After the battle Kid and Lynx still have a lot of heat between them(if Kid wasn't
in your party, she will come in through the door). Lynx wonders if Serge ever questioned his existence...but later Serge
stares into the Dragon Tear...it switches the minds of Lynx and Serge...this means trouble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Party Members HP: 4500(each) Element: Variable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your
not really suppose to win this battle really, probably on your second New Game+ you'll stand a formidable chance, but your
basically here to take the hits and go down.
NOTE: If you win the battle, Lynx(Serge) goes over to Kid, but as he
tries to help her, she stabs him.
Here Serge(Lynx) makes a mistake, Kid notices that
Serge is actually Lynx but Serge(Lynx) stabs her. He spares Kid's life as he looks towards Lynx(Serge), he takes the
crystal as you pretty much see a bountaful FMV.
============================================================================= TEMPERAL
VORTEX Items: Mythril(2), Pendragon Sigil C Elements: Revive Party: Lynx =============================================================================
later awaken in a distorted field of vision as the scene looks as if you were in another person's mind and field of vision.
Now go around to the leaf above and it will drop a fruit, then a door will open to the left. Head to that door, inside
you find a gremlin that tells you to sleep, and so you do. Before you head out, the gremlin stops you and decides to
join you! Finally, some music to cheer up the mood! You can climb down the pole to save your game if you like. Now head
out of the tree house and walk to the upper right path and then go around and push the rock over, then go around and
push the rock over and it will knock the rock down to the bottom allowing you to get the treasure chest, so pick it up
and head to the house above.
Inside you will meet Harley Quinn...I mean Harle. She will then give you two choices,
you'll get some interesting scenarios from either one of them, you are either Serge or a questionable Lynx. She then changes
into Serge and mimics his actions and heads through a door. You and Sprigg talk for a while and then you will
be able to choose some doors. Take either door and you will end up on top, look at the bottom to see where Harle went,
then follow her through the door, basically whichever door leads to the door she took. But that will lead to nowhere,
and to get out you must take the opposite door of where she went through at the bottom.
HOWEVER, you still haven't
accomplished anything if you leave, you will have to go through the same door parallel door that she went through for four
times straight! You will be lead out to another room and she will then join you.
Now you will have to find a way
out, head downwards and ignore the switch. Pick up the treasure chest and now go back and hit the switch, it will lead
a path to the middle of the room, pick up the treasure chest and then go back to the switch and press it again. Now go
around to the lower left staircase and then you will see a hole at the bottom, jump through and you will arrive at Hidora
swamp, which is in Serge's real world, not the other dimension.
After a long conversation, you notice a green portal
on the ground, and since you still have all of Serge's items, you can go through right? Wrong. Just head back to Aruni
============================================================================= RETURN(or not) TO "ZE VEAL
VORLD" Items: Beeba Flute, Bone, Feather Elements: Aerosaucer, Antidote, Brace(5), Bushbasher, Cure, Medicine,
Ointment, RecoverAll Party: Lynx, Sprigg, Harle =============================================================================
here Sprigg goes a little joyous as she has finally made it back to the real world, after a little talk head out and go
to Opassa Beach. When you reach here try using your Astral Amulet, it won't work since the missing piece is already
here in the HOME world.
Head back to Arni, go talk to Marge and Lynx will tell her everything. Marge flashes back,
Serge's father Wazuki and Miguel set out to the Dead Sea, but sadly the waves were too strong to navigate through and found
themselves inside the Sea of Eden...Leena's father(Miguel) never came back, Serge's father came back a very changed
man. In the middle of the conversation, Radius comes in and quickly notices that Lynx is still alive...Radius wants to
rid the world of Lynx. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Radius
HP: 750 Element: Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semi-tough
battle here. You should use attacks like Uplift and ElectroBolt to deal damage here. Radius doesn't attack too hard though,
his Longshot attack is probably his strongest attack, even to a non-green element character, it would deal about 40-50
HP of damage. Just attack as normal and heal basically.
After the battle Radius will join your party and ask that
you go to Termina to gather some information about General Viper's disapperance. Head out to Fossil Valley.
============================================================================= FOSSIL
VALLEY(HOME) Items: Infrared Vision Frame, Mythril(2) Elements: None. Party: Serge, and anybody else =============================================================================
really nothing to do here, except collect a way cool frame!
============================================================================= TERMINA
SQUARE(HOME) Items: None. Elements: None Party: Serge and anybody else =============================================================================
to Telmina Square, when you enter here it seems to have turned into a fort rather than a fun loving market place. The inn
is pretty much the same as before except for the fact that it no longer operates as an inn anymore. The poster of rock
star Slash is replaced with a window in the market shop, there are a couple of guards that you can't get pass though. The
Bar looks rather dead than lively and the 'other' bar. Also when you go over to the east shores, you notice that instead
of flowers being placed there, a sword lies there. Could that be a special sword? Also when you head to Van's house,
it's no longer a mansion but a Yaba Daba Doo house from the Flinstones, and that my friends is laughable, it's true it's
Go inside the house and talk to Van in the right room, he wants a small fee for guiding your through the "house"
but the landlord comes in. He still demands rent but if they don't pay up, they will be kicked out, Van will promise
that he will bring the Frozen Flame to pay off the debt following the party, but whatever decision you make, the landlord
will give you some extra time. He leaves in disgust, thanking the party for believing in his little story(even though
it might be true). He goes back to his room, he takes his possessions along with him(Piggy Bank, El Nido Blue paint, and the
cracked Sea shell). When he gets back to the room he realizes that the Frozen Flame does actually exist, but even though
it's tempting Van can't leave his dad. However, his dad decides that he leaves off, regardless if the treasure exists
anyways and gives him a boomerang and he joins your party.
Head to Zappa's house and talk to him and let him join
to look for the Rainbow item and he'll automatically join your party.
Head out of here and head to Viper Manor.
============================================================================= VIPER
MANOR(HOME) Items: None Elements: Mythril Party: Serge and whoever =============================================================================
you enter the ruins, Radius will talk a bit about how everything occured the same with Lynx and Viper in ANOTHER world,
but in the HOME world something happened to Viper 3 years ago. Head down to the bottom and go through the well and then
go around through the small waterfall, then when you reach the underground ruins, head to the top left to the ladder and
enter through to the jail cells.
When you meet him, he doesn't believe that Lynx is, well, not Lynx! Later Norris
goes back and tells the party that it was Lynx who approached them in El Nido about the Frozen Flame, doubting the existence,
Norris was sent to El Nido as a spy. Viper and the others headed to the Dead Sea but as they tried to enter, they could
find no entrance. However, the demi-humans of Marbule might know something about it, he tells you to head back to Termina
to use the military boat there.
You automatically wind up in Termina, head to your boat. Now you can do one of
two things here, head to El Nido Triangle or head to Marbule. Either way it's up to you.
============================================================================= EL
NIDO TRIANGLE AND STARKY Items: Mythril(2), Our Favorite Martian Frame, Star Fragment Elements: None. Party: Lynx
and anybody else =============================================================================
Head down south of
the Water Dragon Isle to the triangle, go down and pick up the Star Fragment.
Head out and go to the Sky Dragon
Isle to the left, make sure you save your game outside before going in. When you head inside to the top, you notice a little
guy running around...he'll hide when you see him. Try to pick up the treasure chest but out of nowhere the little guy that
ran is suddenly 100x bigger! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE:
MegaStarky HP: 2800 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynx
will be very effective in this battle, but he'll also be very vulnerable to his powerful attacks. Just watch for the Meteorite
attack, two of them and Lynx is pretty much a goner, heal and keep your HP up. The radiation attack isn't too damaging,
but it hits the entire party, plus his physical attacks hit pretty hard...keep that in mind because you'll need at least
100 HP with other characters and 140 HP with Lynx. Attack with FeralCats or Glidehook and other black elements like
After the battle he'll cheer that he got the Star Fragment, but what was astonishing was that the giant
monster was just a little monster. Catch him and he'll join your party, I suggest you add him to your party too since he pretty
much is a very solid character believe it or not. Later head to the stairs and then return back to the top and talk to
the man, he'll give you the Our Favorite Martian Frame, which IMHO is the coolest frame in the game!
============================================================================= Marbule(HOME) Items:
None Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
for the island on the bottom right part of the world map just under the whirlpool cloud island. Head inside and you notice
a lot of bug ghosts wandering around that you cannot even communicate or fight with. Head to the center of this place
and find Toma and talk to him, he'll tell you that you can enter the Dead Sea through "Death's Door" but the only way you
will find it, is by help from the sage aboard the S.S. Zelbess. He mentions that since Porre troops pushed them off
El Nido they had to reside in Marbule, but Marbule itself is rich in elements and the demi-humans had to move to the S.S.
Zelbess, who work and are treated like dirt. He tells you to spend the night at the first hut near the entrance, so you
In the middle of the night you hear voices, go outside and check them out. You will see a mermaid but she jumps
into the water as you reach her, Toma tells you that any mermaid that sings about grudges against humans will lose their
voice. He also tells you that Captain Fargo can be a bit devious, as the two head off to sleep, but the mermaid overhears
everything. In the morning she will approach you and will head towards the S.S.Zelbess as well.
Head towards the
two boats lying at the top right of the main continent.
============================================================================= S.S.
Zelbess Items: Fidler Crab, Frypan Ag47, Handle, Monster Mouth Frame Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
going anywhere, you can play at the Casino. It's just below Fargo's quarters. Each time you play you can double your current
points, you start from 100 points and build your way up. Here are the prizes depending on the amount of points that
you have:
Points | Prize 10000 | Rainbow Shell, Denadorite(play a second
time) 5000-9950 | Mythril 1000-4950 | Iron 500-950 | Bone
Now, you must take note that you have
to know when to stop. But there's a trick to beating this thing. See, when you land on North you can double the amount
of points you recieve, when you land on East you gain 50 points, when you land on west you lose 50 points, and when you
land on south you lose everything. The trick is pretty much common sense, and you'll find this in any guide(like Toastyfrog's).
The key is to the pause button, press start and when the needle lands just a little bit past south, quickly unpause and
press the action button as fast as you can, this way you will land on North everytime, sometimes you may land on east
but who cares! You still gain something, just keep doing this for the Rainbow Shell and Denadorite, those are two items
that are very powerful and popular for creating insanely powerful weapons, armors, and accessories.
When you reach
here, head to the Captain's room(its down below on the second floor on the top to the left end of the first hallway) and
you notice that Irenes is speaking with Captain of the ship, Fargo.
Fargo doesn't seem to happy, he's never recovered
when he lost Zelbess. It appears that lectures won't get through to Fargo, and apparently he has taken away the "song"
of the demi-humans. She leaves in disgust as Fargo refuses to release the sage. After a long conversation head to the lower
deck down the ladder and to the right talk with the pirate standing in front of a door, it appears he won't let you
through. Now head to the stage in the room to the right of the ladder on the lower deck. Inside you will see human whistle...I mean
a beaver with buck teeth...errr...I mean a pirate who has a u-shaped mouth...I mean a pirate with bad teeth...that's what
I mean!(*sweats in profusion*).
You notice that as he does his tricks, he will perform several tricks and ask for
the lady in red(Jill) to volunteer...he will make her float(probably to look up her skirt...that pervert...) and then a
fat pirate will come in and prove that she really is floating by sitting on her(ah! you have to feel sorry for the woman).
However, the man in red doesn't seem so impressed with the magic trick and thinks he and the woman planned it all out,
so Sneff calls the man over to prove him wrong. He will then turn Jack into a cat and then revert him back. Now head
out and down the hallway to the right, go inside the door and you will see a man with a mop, afterwards he will head out,
talk to the other people in the room and when you head outside you notice that the mop guy can go through but you can't.
You later have a talk with the pirate guarding the door, it seems that he won't let you through so head to the Captain's
When you talk to him you notice that you finally got his attention, the party tells him that they are from
Marbule and that they are looking for the Sage of Marbule. Later he will challenge you to a game, he'll then challenge
you a little bit to a wager, if you can beat him in the casino, he will let you through to the Grand Slam if you win,
but if you lose he will take your boat docked just on the side of the ship. Go ahead and take him up on the offer and
then head down to the casino.
In here you notice the pirate with the flute...I mean buck teeth...I mean Sneff, apparently
he landed south on the compass and lost all his money. Sneff has been gambling too long and he can only repay his debt
in small increments by his magic show, he then tells everyone to leave as he wants to have a private game with the party
as their debts are cleared. You play a game of sudden death, whoever lands on South first loses the entire wager. That's
cool, you have a 3/4 chance not to land on south. The Captain is pretty good, he's always landing on everything except
for south, you can do if you know the timing, but try to land on south...yes, you heard me, land on south. He'll keep
your boat now, but that doesn't mean you will have to swim back.
Head to the inn at the bottom deck and you notice
the innkeeper climbs down a ladder, the cat tries to climb up but quickly jumps down. The party discuss within themselves,
if only they could move as freely as that cat, it's pretty odd that the inn is directly below the casino and the demi-human is
so hesitant about letting the cat go up there.
Head to the stage and speak with Sneff again, volunteer to be turned
into cats. If you let Sneff try to catch you, he'll snap his back(it's hilarious actually). You later learn that the
cats trick isn't really a trick, but it's actually a berry he recieved while traveling a long time ago...Sneff also mentions
something about the Bend of Time. However, QUICKLY leave the place when you are turned into cats, before you go anywhere,
head to the upper deck where the captain's room is and in this hall, head to the kitchen. When you enter the kitchen
through the small hole talk to the egoistic cat, he'll give you a Monster Mouth Frame and inside pick up the treasure chest
in the back and t pick up the Ag47 Pan.
Now head to the inn and then go behind the innkeeper's desk, you will be
able to climb the ladder, so do so and you see a magnet that propells the needle on the compass roulette to spin where
the captain will win. You notice that he spins it just enough so that it makes the captain's opponents lose and look
who loss...the magician! Sad too, now he can't afford teeth. The party or the cats are dumbfounded, take the handle from
the giant magnet.
Head to the stage and you will see a hole to the right, enter through the ventilation shaft and
talk to Sneff and he will change you back into your normal self. Now head back to the Captain's room and challenge him
to one more game. Before you do, you see that Fargo won't let Nikki go to the Grand Slam, apparently Nikki wants to
learn the song from the sage so that Marbule doesn't die out. Fargo wants Nikki on the ship since he's such a great financial
tool. Nikki later discovers the dresser, there's a scratch on it that he remembers from being a child, so could this mean
that Fargo is...is father? Fargo has changed quite a bit since he lost Zelbess. After Nikki leaves talk with Fargo and
challenge him to the game again.
Just play again and you will see Fargo lose and seemed shocked that he could lose.
He then notices the Handle and he admits that he's cheated, you get your boat back and access to the Grand Slam tournament.Now
talk to the pirate that was blocking the door earlier and he will let you through and then go down the sign that says:
"Welcome Iron Man!" You notice that it seems to be an arena of some sort and go around to the back and talk to the guy
guarding the gate through and you can feel free to challenge Janice, who is the ringmaster of the Grand Slam tournament,
but it's mighty tough to win since you don't have many quality monsters to choose from.
Head out and you will see
the man who went inside here earlier, he wanders around and you will have to enter in the correct door to speak with him. If
he enters the middle door, take the right door and you will meet him, if he enters the left door enter the middle door
and if he enters the right door enter the left door(and these are all correct occurances if you do this from the outside).
Ask him where the Dead Sea is, he'll become a bit agitated that humans have stolen their treasure, then later tell him
OF COURSE that you will engage in brute force...you must do this since this is the only way you will get some information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Sage HP: 1500 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't hard and you should be able to easily defeat him using your heal and attack method. Lynx plays a strong role
in this battle, his physical attacks can deal some major damage as well as the FeralCats attack. Starky wouldn't be
much use in this battle since his Element is white, you should mainly stick to using elements to finishing this guy off
fast, mainly Gravitonne and Hellbound. Iceblast and Magmabomb both work well in this battle too.
After the battle
the Sage will give you the Fiddler Crab, he tells you to use it around the Dead Sea. Nikki comes in and finds the sage,
he wishes to learn the song so that he can save Marbule. The Sage tells him that his Father use to be like Nikki, after
that they both leave, follow Nikki towards and head to his ship.
Head to the top deck of the ship and to the left(and
right of the main steering wheel)is a sailpole, go to the top of it and talk to the lady and take the lift to Nikki's
ship. Go inside the first door at the bottom and you will see the Irenes and Nikki. He tells the party that they'll play
the song near Marbule so that the party can kill the monsters when they are weakened. Afterwards she will see that your
party has entitled themselves into a tremendous task, if you want you can allow her to join your party.
Now head
out of here and head out to of here and save your game, congrats! You've accomplished a lot already!
============================================================================= THE
DEAD SEA Items: None Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
to the lands that are covered in clouds to the far east of the world map, use your Fiddler Crab to open up the barrier
of clouds that block your path. Head inside and you will see the old man Radius. Head to the center and you find a red
sword enstoned to the ground, but it won't let you through without going mad. Only the holy sword Einlanzer can be counter
the Masamune, but to get that sword they must head through the Isle of the Damned. They will need an item that Garai
used in his life to get through. Head out and go to Hermit's Hideaway above.
============================================================================= HERMIT'S
HIDEAWAY(HOME) Items: Energizer Suit, Garai's Keepsake, Resistance Ring Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
you reach this place Radius will take a retrospect into his past when he and Garai. Garai use to hold the Einlanzer but
Dario took over as head of the Acacia Dragoons. Later they appaer in the Devine Dragon Falls, Radius picks up the sword
but not before Garai throws in a few of his own suspicions about the sword. However, Radius stops his story short and brings
out Garai's Keepsake.
This item will help you get passed those mirrors in the Isle of the Damned.
============================================================================= ISLE
OF THE DAMNED(HOME) Items: Carapace, Einlanzer, Golden Tiara Elements: Earthquake, Inferno Party: Lynx and anybody
else =============================================================================
You will have to go around and
defeat the Willowisp if you want to advance any further. Once through, go around under the giant tailbone and when you reach
the top left, use the Garai Keepsake over the mirrors on the wall. In here, head around and go to the door on the left
and you will ascend upon a cliff and see a sword enstoned on a tombstone. When the party sees their names the tombstone
Radius comes in. Radius will finish off the rest of his story, Radius was so consumed by the hate and sorrow of the sword
that he killed Garai without mercy and literally behind his back...but as he drops the sword he's too shocked to say
anything after he killed Garai.
Later as Garai's spirit rise from the tombstone, he will only allow the party to
take the sword if they can defeat him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Garai HP: 1987 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be pretty tough, his triplecut attack can easily render Lynx alone and severely damage other party members.
Lynx will be a valuable asset in this battle since his black elements will prove quite handy. However, Lynx will take
a lot of damage from this guy as obvious Lynx is of the opposite element. Use Gravity Blow or Gravitonne in this battle
and attack often and keep your HP above 150.
After the battle you pick up the Einlanzer, head out back to the Dead
Sea to the Masamune.
============================================================================= RETURN TO
THE DEAD SEA(HOME) Items: Earring of Light, Feather(2), Kung Fu Shoes, Medical Book, Mythril(4),
Prop Sword, Screw(2), Screwy Dress, Stamina Ring, Station Pass, Trashy Tiara Elements:
AntiBlue, AntiGreen, AntiRed, AntiYellow, Capsule, CurePlus, Freefall,
HealAll, Hellbound, HolyLight, Purify, SealAll Party: Lynx and anybody else =============================================================================
you head inside, save your game and then continue on. You will be able to pass through the energy field. Radius will place
the Einlanzer sword in front of the Masamune and the field will dissipate.
Keep going forward and the party will
witness a lavashing landscape. It looks like they will have to travel a long way. You will end up outside but inside
the island, but you can save at any time(on a side note as I am playing this, I noticed my brother was here last week!
I made a bet with him about who could beat Chrono Cross first and...well...damn...he most likely will win...it's a long
story). Feel free to save your game at any time out here though.
You notice a lot of save points on the ground,
but these aren't save points, these are inidicators of entrances and exits. Pick up the treasure chest up top and head
to the right, you notice that this area seems to be a corroded highway or at least it use to be a highway. You will have
to fight a pretty bad boss along the way so be prepared. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Highwayman HP: 2000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle is fairly tough, he looks like the FF7 boss of Motor Ball, but he fights differently(and notice that you fight both
bosses in the same type of area, on highways!). Look for him to attack with his black element status which prevents
you from using element magic(Spriggan can still transform though) but don't worry since this only lasts for the duration
of the battle. Just attack and heal, but attack with your elements, Serge's black elements and StarChild's white elements
seem to work pretty well against this boss. With Zappa in your party, he should be able to kick ass. His physical attacks
will deal the blows, use MagmaBurt or MagmaBomb. The X- Strike works nicely if you have it, the StarBurst is pretty effective
in this battle as well. Just keep your HP up and attack as normal.
After the battle continue onwards and head around
to the next area. In here, head to the bottom right room and inside, look around for a treasure chest. Then continue
to the left, go to the leaning control tower and press the switch(it looks like another demonstration of that Lavos thingy in
CT) and Norris will come in if he is not in your party, otherwise an automatic dialogue will come up. An image of Lavos
Core shell comes up. Time periods like 2300AD(from CT of course) and 65000000BC are found on the screen. Now head out
and go down until you reach outside.
When you reach outside collect the treasure chests around here and feel free
to save your game just outside the center dome. Head inside and a monologue for this area will start, the party looks up
and notices a date which says "2400" and obviously that's AD but the appearance of the place. Now go around and collect
the treasure chests and then to the elevator to the left, you will choose between 3 floors, choose the 1st floor for now and
then head to the bottom where the elevator went and pick up the treasure chest inside and then head to the next area, which
is a blue door located to the upper right on the 1st floor. In here talk to the ghost on the bottom right, he seems
depressed and walks off, follow him and you notice that he dissipates at a certain area, walk over it and a text box
comes up, he will have dropped the key item Station Pass, which will allow you entrance to Arris Dome. Head around and
to the next area, and pick up the treasure chest at the bottom right, inside is another key item which is the Medicine
You notice that the books are suspended in mid air and a lot of rubble is also suspended in mid air, but why?
But you can't get down below here now, head back to the shopping circle(the main room) and take the left path and in
here as you head lower down the level, the party stops. The notice a little creature that heads off to the top right. Pick
up the various treasure chests around here and at the top there is a small garden or a park, pick up the Prop Sword
for Pierre that is embedded into the grass, and then head to the next area to the left. In here head to the center and
the party notices somebody at the balcony walking around, head up the balcony to the left and collect the treasure chest
and then head back down and and go to the top right to the purple area(the blue door to the top left LEADS NOWHERE!).
this next room you notice that there are a lot ghosts, a conversation starts up but one of the ghosts disappears. Also,
you probably caught this earlier on, but only Serge can see the ghosts, the party members can't and that's why they
think Serge is acting a bit odd. Head towards the center, but another conversation starts up, after that head towards the
center and you will be taken to the next room. Save your game to the right but use the Enertron at the right(just like
Chrono Trigger :P), unfortunately "You're still hungry" and then save your game. Pick up the treasure chest at the top right
and go around to the next area, now talk to the boy sitting on the arch. If you didn't know it before, you do now, it's
Nadia's Bell. Sadly her bell will never be heard again...the little ids blame Lynx for the sorrow found in the world.
they are just echoes from those who passed, mainly just an illusion. The man seems to know automatically that Lynx is actually
Serge, but Serge probably doesn't remember the man. It's been nearly 14 years since the night of the storm, Miguel is
shown inside Chronopolis along with Serge's father Wazuki. A voice echoes into the ears of Miguel telling him to bring
a wounded child to the place, however Wazuki continues onward as Miguel tries to stop him but to no avail. Miguel has
been here for 14 years, but it was 10 years ago that something catastrophic changed the Sea of Eden to the Dead Sea. The future
was never meant to be however, it was destroyed before it was born and it rests in the Dead Sea. He tells the party that
the future is controlled by Fate, Lynx's presence was predicted long ago. He will ask if you wish to stay here with
him, but either choice will prompt him to believe that you are trying to restore the dimensional distortion. However, you
will have to defeat Miguel in order to return the distortion back to it's proper place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Miguel HP: 1950 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be pretty tough, he is stronger than he looks. He will virtually use elements between all of your attacks,
he also has this Luke Skywalker attack where he slashes you with a lightsabre which does over 320+ HP of damage to a
single character! It's an instant kill, but attack with elements and heal, Lynx should do a lot of bulky damage in this
battle with his regular attacks since he's a black element. The HellBound element you picked up earlier won't work so don't
bother, but Gravitonne will work very nicely (^_^). Avoid using white elements and the such on Miguel, otherwise you'll
heal him.
After the battle Miguel notices that the party is strong, and might stand a chance to defeat Fate. It
was in 1999 that Lavos awoke after draining the planet's power...it was then that the future would've changed to a drastic state,
were it not for a teenage boy and his group of friends. *If you haven't played Chrono Trigger, this would make little sense
to you* It was then that the party realized they could not turn away after seeing the bleak future of 2300 AD, even
if the withering of the planet was nowhere near their lifetime. They traveled using the Epoch and eventually won the battle. However,
it was at that time that the future time axis would ceast to exist. The future of the world was pretty much set to becoming
a better world, but it's coming back to the reality and destruction again. Miguel mentions that three people came looking
for the Frozen Flame, but never made it out alive as only the "chosen one(how many times have we heard that before eh?)"
can approach the flame. The place is about to collapse, the party heads out of here but it doesn't look like they will
make it out in time, however the Dragon saves the party.
When they land on Marbule they notice that the distortion
is now set...so off to Opassa Beach you go!
============================================================================= ANOTHER
WORLD, ANOTHER TIME Items: None Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
back to Opassa Beach, use your Astral Amulet and you'll arrive at ANOTHER world. The shadocats will eventually notice Lynx
and run off...the kid mentions some rainbow shells and runs off. You get some information that some type of rebellion
is lead by some guy named "Serge" and it looks like you will have to head back to Termina.
You will have to head
through Fossil Valley again, the enemies are much tougher this time though.
Once you reach Telmina Square, you notice
that it has become much like a totalitarian state, except its not as extreme as it was in Serge's world. In Smithy's
house an automatic even occurs once you enter, it appears that a soldier from the manor is keeping strict control of things.
If you didn't acquire Greco earlier, now's your chance to acquire him. Head over to the east shrine and after the small
scenario head inside his house and "tag" him along(pun intended).
When you head to the bar, you are immediately
called out...head to the back and you will speak with the bartender...check the left side of the back wall into a clandestive
room. Karsh notices Lynx, but he knows himself that it's Serge. Karsh will flash back to the events that happened in My.Pyre in
ANOTHER world...he finds Viper wounded and Serge and Kidd teleport off...the party is just awed. They help General Viper
and took him to Hermit's Hideaway and prayed for his recovery, he's recovering and getting better by the day. However,
this didn't leave the manor for long, but when they returned to Termina the Porre military had already taken over Termina. Karsh
tells the party that Riddel is being held captive in Viper Manor. One of them will go with Lynx and the party while one
will stay behind to collect info. The shards that they picked off the ground are useless to them, Karsh gives you the
Tear of Hate because of it.
Head out, but as you do you find Norris telling the guards to bring in the boy when
they find him. He then notices Lynx and is informed that Grobyc has arrived at the Manor ahead of schedule.
============================================================================= RIDDEL'S
RESCUE Items: Denadorite, Humour, Magic Seal, Prison Key, Rainbow Shell, Viper's
Venom Elements: Deluge, Nimble, TurnYellow, Turnblack, Revive Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
you are inside the manor, talk with the guards and the will let you through, head to the center and talk to the other guards
and they will let you through. You will see that Riddel doesn't know anything about what happened at Fort Dragonia,
they then take Riddel to the basement, much to the demise of Norris, he can do nothing about it. You also get to see the personality
of Grobyc, who is the killing machine from the lab, he talks without pausing...since he is pretty much a robot.
to Norris' room and talk to Norris in his quarters(second room on the left from the entrance hallway). The party will tell
Norris that Lynx is not Lynx but rather Serge...everything begins to make sense to Norris, then he gives you a Prison
Key. Head out to the kitchen but you will have to hurry as Hell Orcha has left for the basement. In the kitchen check the
grate in the back, the flow of the river will make it impossible to go anywhere but the direction of the flow. In the
next room push the barrels out into the waters so that they create a bridge to the middle left staircase. Tighten the Valve and
then head back around to the prison, the guard won't let you through though, but head around to the stairs and go back
to the kitchen and drop down the grate again. Head to the right, if you fail to do so you will have to go around to
the grate again. You can pick up the Magic Seal, then go back and go to the other right path.
Go around to the top
and tighten the other valve, head back and tighten the valve on the left and it will open the door across it to left you
through. Now head across and pick up the Nimble and then open the valve to move the wall the other direction. As you
try to reach the ladder a very big and very fugly roach will attack you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Roachster HP: 1245 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, get ready to heal yourself when the roach sends the babies to attack in swarms(BugKamikaze), it does
about 80+ HP of damage to every character, so you will have to watch out for that. MagmaBomb works nicely in this battle,
if you have X-Strike you can probably deal about 500 HP of damage to this guy! Red elements is what works in this battle,
so use them and keep your HP up.
After the battle, climb the wall with the green light and you will see three different
paths, take the right one first and you notice that the pirate captain is sleeping on top of the grate, and he moves the
bed and the party will have a conversation, he then heads out as the door is unlocked via the jail key. Head out along
with him and take the right path and save your game on the triangle. Then enter through to the next area, it appears that
they want to eat her or something...those horrible little bastards! Orcha became the Hell's Cook when he ate some Quaffid
seeds, and apparently it's Orcha that took the Dragon Tear from Guldove, but hsi real self doesn't know about it. Later
you'll have to prepare yourselves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Hell's Cook HP: 2800 Element: Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't too tough. The chef cooks up some mean punches, but they are only medium rare alone, the beefy part comes
when he puts a consecutive combo on you and if you don't heal often in this battle...then your dead meat! But show this
chef some cooking lessons and use your elements, StarChild's elements are very effective and the Cat Reign attack from
Serge will prove very useful...if ya smeeeeeelllllllleeellll! What the Serge is cooking? (^_-) Iceblast and basically
any blue element will work in this battle, if you have the FrogPrince use it, it'll help a great deal.
When you
destroy the Hell form of Orcha, he'll feel obligated to help and will join your party automatically. Later Norris promises
himself and the party he will take Riddel to Hermit's Hideaway safely. You also notice that you can't leave since the
place is still full of guards.
When you head up you will be surrounded by guards, defeat them and then you will
have to face Grobyc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Grobyc
HP: 2800 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
guy is tough, his attacks can easily go into the 150's and he has a powerful head laser attack that can severely damage
all party members. This battle is so friggin tough, watch for his combination attacks, you pretty much can't do anything
about it except hope that he'll miss with his attacks. His Haircutter attack does massive damage, but Starky will be of
great help in this battle since he has an opposite element innate, just attack as normal and use elements like Meteorite
or Meteorshower.
After the battle, the two guards run away in fear while the commander goes over to the robot on
the bottom right, he kicks it to wake it up and to attack the party, the robot does and literally walks over the commander and
expect yet another boss battle to face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Guillot HP: 1001 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use
Bushbasher or Bushwhacker a couple of times, attack like normal and he should be done. He's not too hard though, it's really
not much of a different strategy than before so eh.
After the battle the party notices that the robot still wants
more beef, but the party seems too weak to fight another battle, so whoever your leader is, the leader will lead them
to the library and the robot will chase after them. They reach a dead end and will have to fight again.
The party
escapes to the top but they have to fight yet again against the robot that acts like a zit, it just won't go away! However,
Grobyc comes to your aid and cuts the rope suspending the expensive looking chandileer(sp?) and he and the robot drop
to the floor. The party then jumps out through the stained glass window and onto the barn house.
The barnkeeper
then gives you two options, but whatever you choose will result in the barnkeeper to release the dragons and trample the
Porre guards that are waiting outside. Grobyc will then will decide to join your party, I suggest you keep him in your
party because this guy is strong as shigot!
Whether or not you choose to have him in your party or not, the party will
exit out of the manor and you will see the red ship above Telmina. Take it over to Hermit's Hideway.
============================================================================= AN
EARTHLY COINCIDENCE(HOME) Items: None Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
As you head here, you can use the Ice Breath over the small pond. When you do this, you
can acquire Turnip from the HOME world.
When you reach here, climb down the tree and Radius will be the first person
to greet you(if he's in your party someone else will). It seems like Marcy has apologized for her ways earlier. Talk to
Riddel and she'll join your party for saving her. Choose to take a rest but suddenly the party hears a giant explosion.
rushes outside as does your other current party members soon follow, it's Kidd! But she still thinks your Lynx, despite
the fact of what happened at Fort Dragonia earlier. Lynx dodges all of her attacks, apparently it's Dark Serge now and
Lynx has completely changed old Serge's attire. It looks like the party is in a bit of a rut but luckily Fargo is there
to save them. Your other party members are safely onboard as well.
The party later ends up on the captain's boat,
Serge is seen overlooking the waters of the ocean as the FMV and voice of Kidd flashes in his memory, damn, I gotta
say one thing: Square certainly knows how to make a person evil and they certainly know how to make the character so heart
strucken that anybody can show empathy or sympathy. A couple of FMVs showing Kidd pass by but he is later interupted
by Harle. Afterwards head down to the lower deck of the ship, you can acquire A LOT more party members: Fargo, Viper, Karsh/Zoah,
and Marcy.
So if you picked Zoah earlier at Termina, Karsh will join you now and vice versa.
you will automatically sail to the Sea of Eden. Inside talk to Harle, she'll tell you that you need the power of the six
relics from each Dragon to obtain entrance to the Sea of Eden. However, the entrance to the Sea of Eden is in the other
world and you will find six dragons scattered across each world. She also mentions that Dark Serge is already inside the Sea
of Eden since Serge is the Chrono Trigger and was allowed access through to the Sea of Eden, also note that you cannot
enter the Sea of Eden with the 6 relics alone, you will need the Dragon Tear. Later you find Harle a bit depressed on
the S.S. Zelbess...if you acquired Starky he'll come in and talk a bit with Harle, if not then some other party member
will(I guess, unconfirmed). She hopes Starky won't tell everyone that she cries...ever notice Starky's usual third person
============================================================================= ISLE OF THE DAMNED(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items:
Eyeball, Memento, Mixed Bones Elements: Revenge Party: Lynx and whoever. =============================================================================
The Mixed Bones are in the back left of the first area of this place, also you don't need
Karsh to get in, but he is needed to acquire some nifty items and to trigger the events.
you enter here, go around to the top left doorway, in here go under the tailbone and you will reach the top left mirror.
You will have to use Garai's Keepsake over these mirrors, just like you did in your HOME world. Head to the next room,
in here head to the middle room by going around, like before. Once you head to the cliffs, you see Peppor and Solt and
it appears that they have had their suspicions of Karsh...apparently he killed Dario.
A little flashback occurs
with Dario and Karsh training in Termina. You'll get a bit where you sorta understand why Glenn felt it was so important
to obtain a Bellflower from you earlier. A little closer to the future but still in the past, you still see Karsh looking
over the Bellflower. Dario and Riddel tell Karsh that they will marry, but Karsh seems a little shocked, he throws the
flower on the floor in disgust. Later you see an event that happened between Peppor, Solt, Karsh, and Dario in the Isle
of the Damned. He seems pretty "hyped" to see the Masamune. Later you see Karsh slash at Dario unsuspectingly, the sword
has added feul to the fire inside Karsh, much like Radius did to Garai. You can see Glenn looking ahead.
As the
story ends, it looks like you'll have to face off against the two. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Peppor and Solt HP: 1000(Peppor), 900(Solt) Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too hard. Attack with Bushwhacker and Bushbasher, any green element would do. Green element characters
are the most effective and also the most vulnerable to attacks in this battle. Karsh and Peppor have beefed up significantly
in this battle, they attack in combos and each hit packs quite a wallop.
After the battle Peppor and Solt apologize
as they think that Karsh would never kill Dario after the battle they just had. You recieve the lvl7 Axiomatic for Karsh
and the Memento Pendant.
============================================================================= MAGICAL DREAMERS(HOME) Items:
None Elements: None Party: Lynx and anybody else =============================================================================
You can recieve the "titest" Tech in the game, the Invincible during this event, but note
that you cannot complete it after you defeat the Black Dragon.
Have Fargo in your
party and visit the Fargo in the S.S. Zelbess. He's extremely pissed off at Fargo(home), he will take over the ship and
sail over to Marbule and play the song at full blast.
Later you'll see Nikki play the song in dramatic fashion,
it's quite a long play...it's better that you watch it and I NOT explain it in detail.
Later when you head out,
Fargo made a promise not to use the attack, but now he has no choice. He will recieve his lvl7 tech skill...equip it now
and head to your ship, you will automatically land on Marbule. You notice that the monsters here are made flesh instead
of ghost. After your talk with Toma defeat all the Lagoonates that you see.
When you defeat them all, you will have
awoken the Black Dragon that was sleeping earlier from the nightmares. This event is needed to complete the Dragon Quest.
============================================================================= ORLHA
AND GULDOVE(ANOTHER) Items: None Elements: None Party: Lynx and anyone else =============================================================================
you reach here, you will notice Porre Soldiers here, she whoops some ass and the last soldier standing will notice Lynx
and asks for assistance. She'll attack you thinking you are the enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Orlha HP: 1800 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle isn't too tough, she doesn't have a lot of HP as like the other bosses. Watch for her combination attack, it can
cause over 100HP+ of damage. Use mainly red elements and the sorts, Meteor Shower and Gravitonne are also pretty effective
in this battle as well. Keep your HP above 150 and attack like normal.
After the battle the two other party members
will tell the trooper to head back to headquarters as their "superior officers command it." Inside the guest quarters
Orlha will give Lynx the SapphireBrooch, you will have to return it to her when you are in Serge's true form and she will
then join your party.
Now head over to the top tent to the west side of town and then show your semi-shell shaped
crystal to the old man sitting in front of the stairs, and you will get a 7 slot plate that is vaguely similiar in design
with retrospect to the floor in the tower palace on the east side of the main continent. Now head back to Hidora Swamp,
which is on the sotuh east side of the main continent.
============================================================================= HYDRA
MARSH(ANOTHER) Items: Carapace, Copper(3), Good Backbone(or not), Life Sparkle, Pendragon
Sigil B, Safety Gear(or not), Seed, Tablet(2) Elements: ElectroJolt, Hydra Shadow Party: Lynx and anyone else =============================================================================
If you didn't recieve the Safety Gear earlier, then pick them up at the left of the marsh
and talk to the man in purple and he will give you his extra set. Also note that the whole
in the stalk is already cracked open, even if you did not come to this place earlier. Also
once you have gotten the Beeba Flute the first time, RE-ENTER THIS PLACE, that means get
out of Hydra Marsh and come back in. You will face another Beeba again, once you defeat
it, you can pass through to use the Flute, skip down to the Green Dragon section for more
In here head to the west part of the swamp and you notice that two monsters are ganging up on the Beeba
that attacked you earlier(IF you chose to look for the Hydra Humour way earlier in the game), defeat the monsters for the Beeba
and then he will thank you and give you the Ancient Fruit, which is needed to defeat the Green Dragon. Keep going around
to the top right and drop through the whole, after the small transcript, you are attacked by an enemy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: De-Hydrate HP: 1042 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not
too tough of a battle, just attack it like normal and using all white elements like Meteorshower and PhotonBeam. Attack
as normal and heal yourselves.
After the battle, head up the ladder tree(there is a treasure chest at the bottom)
and then jump off the platform to go behind the plant that wouldn't let you go through earlier. Then head upwards to the
left, from here keep going until you reach a save point. Go ahead and save your game and then head to the top right.
notice that two monsters you fought earlier try to take the treasure chest, but being the greedy mind that you are, you
stop and they attack you. After you open up a can of whoop ass on them jabronies, pick up the treasure chest and inside
it contains a key item which is a Life Sparkle. Now head back to the previous room and take the bottom right to the next
area, in this next room, go to the doorway at the bottom right(under the rocks) and check inside it to pick up another
bone item, which is a Good Backbone. Then head out of here by taking the bottom right path, and head back to your ship.
After completing this side quest, you will have done what is needed to defeat the Green
Dragon later in the game, also if you followed this walkthrough, you will have recieved
all the bone items needed to complete Skelly.
============================================================================= FUNGUY
AND SHADOW FOREST(HOME)[Optional] Items: Bone, Ivory Helmet, Silver Loupe Elements: Capsule(5), Carnivore(Trap) Party
Members: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
Head back
to the forest to the northeast part of the main continent, and then make your way through until you reach two paths, take
the left path above the small waterfall and you will be underneath the mansion. In the waterwells of the mansion, drop
the two barrels into the water like you did before, walk across it and turn the valve handle to move the wall to block
off the flowing water. Now, head back to the previous room and take the ladder(the top left) and use your jail key to
open up the lock and pick up the treasure chest in the middle room, then go around to the back of the jail cell and climb
down like you did before. In here go around to the left and turn the valve so that you can get through, after you turn
the valve, head to the bottom left part of the room(head for the stairs) and then turn the valve handle at the top so it
removes the block.
After that just head back to the jail cell area, go back down the crate and head back to the
forest area, but instead of climbing up into the mansion, go towards the entrance to the forest area, head to the small
room under the tiny waterfall and talk to the man in front of the campfire(you noticed that earlier you could not get
his treasure chest), he turns into a walking mushroom and after a long talk he will join your party! Name this cool fella 'Kinoko'
which is his translation name.
He's a very good party member to have, he's strong and quite agile, after that take
the treasure chest and then head out of the forest, just basically head to the world map.
NOTE: At this time you
can acquire Pip if you acquired him earlier. You'll find Pip at the S.S. Invincible on the
lower decks.
============================================================================= VIPER'S VENOM(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items:
Viper's Venom Elements: None Party: Lynx and whomever =============================================================================
You can acquire this sword earlier in the game, but it's not until you acquire Viper that
you can use it.
1. To open the secret room in General Viper's study, examine the statue bust and twist
the head. The bookcase will swing back to reveal the hidden room you saw Lynx and Viper come out of the first
time you set foot in there. There's a desk in there with a rather cryptic note, which goes as follows:
Fear the one with the Missing shield... Repress the anger Of thy god...
The moment you see truth From within the light... The god's anger will calm...
I have no idea what the hell most of this means, though I have figured out just about half of it. ^_^; If
you read the message twice, you find some additional writing on the back, which is pretty self explanitory:
Check the pillar in the armory!!!
2. If you go to the armory (the room with the pushable snake column), first
place the Relic Shield you got in the room adjacent to Luccia's lab (the one you got the Silver Pendant in)
in the arms of the suit of armor that has no shield, and a battle will ensue in which you fight five armored
monsters known as Man O'Wars. After this, check the pillar in the top left corner of the room. A hole will
open up and you will be asked if you want to push the switch. Do it and push the snake column into place.
A secret room will open up in the section of the wall between the two snake columns, where
you will find two treasure chests. One contains a wicked triple-pronged sword known as "Viper's Venom" which
only General Viper can be equipped with and allows him to kick major ass. :)
Once again, thanks to
HSChum1 for this info. I had never found the sword myself...luckily HSChum1 did!
============================================================================= SKY
DRAGON ISLE(ANOTHER) Items: None Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
off to the Dragon Isle in ANOTHER world and speak with the White Dragon. He'll tell you that you will need to gain protection
from the other 5 elemental dragons, once you have done that you should return and talk with the dragon.
============================================================================= EARTH
DRAGON(ANOTHER) Items: Denadorite(2), Explosive, Mythril, Yellow Relic Elements: Brace, Capsule, Thundasnake Party:
Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
NOTE: Talk to the
man in the room just before the three turtle room and choose the first option and you will
get a key item, which is an awkward high technology stick of dynamite, you will need this
item in this very cave. Also note that you will have to visit this place
again, once the crew blows up the Rockroach you can past through, but you will have to wait
till then.
In Serge's ANOTHER dimension, head to the Yellow Dragon Isle, which is the island that is yellowish in
color and north of the main continent. Inside the Rockroach that was previously blocking the door way is now gone, head
down until you see the room with the three sand geysers, go to the top right and then place the stick of dynamite over
the turtle and it will fly up into the air and land on top of the sand geyser. The turtle at the top left tier can be
you defeat it and drop it into the hole, a geyser in the middle of the room will open up, jump on that geyser and reach
the Earth Dragon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Earth Dragon
HP: 3100 Element: Yellow(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle won't be that tough, you should use green element attacks like Bushbasher and such. Keep your HP up and attack as
normal, watch out for it's physical attacks, they can easily deal over 120 HP of damage to a single character. Feralcats
and Meteorshower works pretty well in this battle as wil FrogPrince. You should also definitely try to steal a Yellow Plate
from this guy, it's definitely worth the trouble.
After the battle you recieve the Yellow Relic and the Thundasnake
============================================================================= GREEN DRAGON Items: Denadorite(3),
Green Brooch Elements: None Party: Lynx and whoever =============================================================================
You will need both the Beeba Flute and the Ancient Fruit to get to Gaea's Noval, each item
can be found by saving and defeating(respectively) the Beeba in the Hydra Marsh.
to the 'HOME' swamp and then go around to the top left and defeat that idiot that has been blocking your way for ages,
after defeating the Beeba, he tells you to go over to his other Beeba and use the Beeba Flute, which is to the next
room atop. Use the Beeba Flute here and it will take you to Gaea's Navel.
NOTE: In this area, everything that you
see. Everybody and everything, this will make the Tyrano angry and it will come out, pick
up the treasure chest where Leah was standing as well.
In here you notice that a
little girl will come by and talk to you, she's not very good in the English department but does sound and look awfully
familiar, there is a possibility she is a descendant of Kino and Ayla, but oh well. Only Square can clear this up for
us I guess. :P
You can put her in your party if you want, she's a pretty solid character considering she's only
six year old! Afterwards head around to the left and pick up the treasure chest up top, but be warned you will be attacked
as you come on your way down. Keep going to the left, you will find a save point, and you will have to climb alot as
well, note that when you think you reached as far as you can go to the left, there is a rusty stalk that you can climb down
in the same area. Note that as I am writing this, I did not realize...YOU WENT AROUND IN CIRCLES! But after you have defeated
all the bugs, head back to the area where you came in and when you try to head forward, a dinosaur attacks you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Tyrano/Pterodact HP: 1600(T), 750(P) Element: Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There
are two dinosaurs actually, one T-Rex and the other a Pteradactyl. Finish off the Pter. first, it has only 750 HP of life
compared to 1600 HP from the T-Rex, watch out when you get the Tyrano in critical condition though, it will do a biting
attack that can cause over 500HP+ of damage, which is more than enough to wipe out any party member at this present moment.
Don't use the Lvl5 attack from Leah on the Pterodact. otherwise it will counter attack with a wind attack of its own. Use
all blue elements, Fargo can use the FrogPrince summon if you have it on him, and the Invincible should do nicely too.
the battle, the party heads up north and finds an Earth Dragon. You might want to save your game at this point if you haven't
already done so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Green Dragon
HP: 3700 Element: Green(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMG!
This guy is way outta your league! Well almost, be sure to keep your HP up to the max if possible, attack with yellow elements
like ElectroJolt and the works. He constantly uses Bad Breath, but hopefully you will be infected with the minor status
effects(like flu), UpHeavel works nicely as well...and note that it will use Green Effect at times when you use your elements, rendering
a lot of yellow elements down the drain, unless of course you cast three consecutive varied colored elements other than
yellow. You should also definitely try to steal a Green Plate from this guy, it's definitely worth the trouble.
the battle Leah will join your party for good this time, you will also have recieved the Green Relic and the Sonja summon.
Head back to the EXACT same spot you came in on and call for the Wingapede and it will take you back towards the Marsh.
============================================================================= RED
DRAGON: MT.PYRE(ANOTHER) Items: Pendragon Sigil A, Poultice Cap, Red Relic Elements: Magmabomb, Salamander Party:
Lynx and whomever. =============================================================================
Head to the 'ANOTHER'
dimension and make your way around to the east side of the main continent, and back into the lava pits and when you see
an open path to the right(you should see a blue door) enter it and you will have to ride the lava, take the first down
path and then quickly hold right, you will see a treasure chest, pick it up and then head through the doorway to the next room.
In here pick up the treasure chests and then head above. Talk to the little dragon holding a spear, he wil fight you...but
be warned that he is A LOT tougher than he looks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Red Dragon HP: 3400 Element: Red(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The
first form of this guy is pretty easy, but he later turns into a bigger dragon(or did they just switch places?) and I'm
guessing that this boss has about 5000 HP total combined(me thinks)! Use any blue elemental that you may have, obviously
this is the dragon's weak point. Keep your HP above 200, it's Flame Breath does 160+ HP of damage so beware! Attack
and heal as usual, and note the first form only has 800 HP, the second form has 3400. Iceblast and Aquaball works well,
Fargo will be an excellent addition to this battle, and I know you're just dying to use the Invincible tech! You should
allocate some Ointments in this battle, this way you can recovery your stamina normally. You should also definitely
try to steal a Red Plate from this guy, it's definitely worth the trouble.
After the battle you recieve the
Salamander summon and the Red Relic.
============================================================================= BLACK
DRAGON(ANOTHER) Items: Black Relic, Valencian Cloth Frame Elements: Grimreaper Party: Lynx and whomever =============================================================================
If you bring a party of demi-humans(Lynx, Starky, Sprigg, Pip, NeoFio, Funguy, and Turnip)...YOU
DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT THE BLACK DRAGON! He'll give you the Black Relic. You'll know why when
you play through the rest of the game. Also with a party of demi-humans you can acquire
the Valencian Cloth Frame by talking to the guy near the entrance...it's
just a welcome gift for fellow demi-humans.
When you reach here, the dragon seems to been have waiting for you, talk
to it(make sure you saved earlier) and you will fight it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Black Dragon HP: 3800 Element: Black(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh
dear...Serge is in BIG TROUBLE in this battle. The Shadow Dragon uses a lot of black element attacks like gravity and demon
breath, bring Star Child along for this battle, he can take the hits VERY well and I think he is the most underated
player in the game. Whatever you do with Serge DO NOT USE HIS ELEMENTS ATTACKS, otherwise you will heal the Dragon. Don't
be surprised if Serge gets knocked out quick in this battle, bring two White element party members along and have them
use their element attacks like MeteorShower and PhotonBeam. He will most likely cast Antiwhite on Starky or any other white element
character, it gets annoying sometimes since you can't use your opposite element. You should also definitely try to steal
a Black Plate from this guy, it's definitely worth the trouble.
After the battle you recieve both the GrimReaper
summon element and the Black relic that you came here for.
============================================================================= BLUE
DRAGON(HOME) Items: Blue Relic Elements: Blue Party: Lynx and whomever =============================================================================
YOUR 'HOME' DIMENSION, head to the south green island directly below the main continent. In here get across the pods and
reach the dragon down below(there is a save point inside) and he should look familiar if you followed this walkthrough
or if you came here on your own. There is a giant watercrest crab blocking the way, defeat the enemies and then head through. Talk
to it and select the second choice, and I hope you brought some red element party members along. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Blue Dragon HP: 2800 Element: Blue(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too tough really, attack with Red elements(MagmaBomb, Magmaburst, Fireball, etc.) and attack as normal
with the other party members. You must watch out for this guy's physical attacks though, they hurt like crazy. Keeping
your HP up is definitely a good idea. Prepare to heal yourselves after the Tsunami though, he uses this when he has about
1000 HP left sometimes. You should also definitely try to steal a Blue Plate from this guy, it's definitely worth the trouble.
the battle you will have recieved the Blue Relic.
============================================================================= SKY
DRAGON(ANOTHER) Items: White Relic Elements: Saints =============================================================================
is going to be the last dragon you face for now, head over to the Sky Dragon Isle in ANOTHER dimension. Talk to him after
you have defeated all 5 of the other elemental dragons...he will then fight you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Sky Dragon HP: 3400 Element: White(duh) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, he's not the toughest battle(the Fire Dragon is the toughest battle IMO) but he can pack a serious
punch. His combo attacks only do about 90 HP, yes I said only because his dragon breath deals out over 200HP+ to every
party member, make sure you have some type of epidemic cure element. That's your main focus, keep healing yourself and
keeping your HP up is not an option...it is a requirement! Lynx will be able to deal out a lot of damage here, his FeralCats
attack will definitely be of tremendous use. Use black elements like Gravityblow and Gravitonne to damage this guy, try
to avoid the white elements and attack as normal. You should also definitely try to steal a White Plate from this guy,
it's definitely worth the trouble.
After the battle you will recieve the Saints summon along with the White Relic.
You can now do one of two things. Head over to the Sea of Eden or head over to Forbidden Island in the HOME world.
============================================================================= WARM
REUNION ON FORBIDDEN ISLAND(HOME)[Optional] Items: Mastermune Elements: None Party: Lynx, Riddel, and whomever =============================================================================
You must have completed the sidequest at Isle of the Damned in ANOTHER world before you
can accomplish this quest, after Solt and Peppor are defeated this event can be accomplished.
This next area requires a bit of finding, THERE IS A TINY ISLAND NOT MARKED ON THE MAP,
NOT MARKED DO YOU HEAR ME? I've spent literally days looking for this place! A tiny island
on the northeast of the main continent is ONLY reachable by boat, in the middle of the tiny
island is a small trail of smoke that rises. This place is located on the HOME dimension.
I also highly suggest you save before you come in, this battle is going to be pretty tough,
and yes...you MUST have Riddel in your party to trigger the event. This is an event I
reccommend you try accomplishing, even before you fight Dario you can fill in the gap Karsh
left behind after your battle with Solt and Peppor at the Isle of the Damned.
here, speak with Dario, Riddel will be shocked to see Dario alive, but in actuality, it's another world. Dario doesn't
even know who the party is, it's been 4 years since he washed up ashore. Riddel will try to reawaken Dario's memory
by showing him the pendant from his mother. Dario regains his memory, but tells Riddel to run. The Masamune has gained
control of Dario, and the Masamune has never been lost from Death's Gate but returned to it's rightful owner...Radius
thought Dario died fighting demons on the Isle of the Damned, but this is where Karsh finishes his story.
see Dario go over to the Masamune, but Karsh tries to warn him before picking up the sword. He attacks Karsh and as he
gains control of himself he tells Karsh to kill him, which Karsh does eventually after seeing Garai's spirit. You'll
see Lynx come in, he'll tell Karsh to tell everyone that Dario was killed by demons...which leads the scenario back to
After the storyline, it looks like you'll have to defeat Dario. Hopefully you have a white element character
in your party for this battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE:
Dario HP: 3500 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh
my gosh! This guy is so friggin powerful! He has combo attacks that can kill any party member, each of his attacks wield
over 100+ and his dash blade attack does over 650+ HP of damage. Keep your HP to the max and do not give this guy any
breaks! Show no mercy and stay off hiatus! You might want to equip some elements that boost the physical attack defense up,
this way you can cut down the POWERFUL attacks that this guy does. Use everything you can, ranging from healing to attacking.
Hopefully you were paying close attention to the dialogue, it mentioned several times that the Masamune was after
the blood of Riddel. This prompts Dario to attack Riddel constantly in battle, the problem is that he can easily finish
her off with a quick combo, she'll survive if she has at least 500 HP...trust me. Use white element attacks basically,
Starburst and Meteorite are both excellent attacks to use, have Riddel be the healer...assuming she can withstand the battle
for long. Also if you have the Black Mail, you can equip it on Riddel(before battle of course) and she'll take the hits
a little more lightly, but all of Dario's element attacks will heal her.
Here is an alternative and a VERY SMART
strategy that does not involve the Black Plate from Billy Bob.
-- "No it doesnt involve the black plate. Here
goes nothing... My party was Serge/Lynx, Grobyc and Riddel. Make sure every character has as much blue, red, yellow,
green elements as possible. Even if theirs like slot 1 fires or sumptin. Note: DO NOT USE ANY WHITE OR BLACK ELEMENTS
OR IT WILL SCREW UP THE PLAN Have at least cures with people in your party. Just in case the plan fails. Call it a plan
When u first start the battle make sure Serge/Lynx has at least one level one firball. (Using Serge/Lynx) Hit
Dario with a one level hit then right after use the one level fireball to get the pattern going. Dario will now be forced to
use Numble the counter of a red element. Now it's Grobycs turn to hit him. Try to hit him as follows, 1-2-3 levels (Do
not go over that u here me) that will make u use a level 6 element. Now use a green, blue, red, yellow level 6 element
to hit him cuz all the counters for them cannot hurt u in any way other than making u less stong or lose evadeiness. Look
at this graph
You use He counters with Red Element Numble effect: Lose evadness/speed or sumpti Blue Element
Strength effect: He grows stroger n Yellow Element Bat Eye effect: Lose defence Green Element Eagle Eye effect: Lose
iunno i forgot
Over the course of the battle you start to lose your level 6 elements letting u now use level 7 ,
if u have it, becuz 1-2-3 hit% + 1 equals 7 Then u just keep repaeting the process. The best thing about it is that
he wont even hit u once or use those gruesome attacks that usually kill a player in one hit.
It took me a long time
to defeat him this way, id say about 5-15 mins, but it's well worth it cuz u get the Masamune!!
PLAN B: Theres only
2 ways this plan could fail. 1: he uses an attack right at the start of the battle making u heal a player 2: u run out
of green,red,blue,yellow elements with all three players and are forced to use white and black" --
After the
battle the sword has found a new master...apparently Masa and Mune along with Doreen have formed the Mastermune for Lynx.
When the party takes Dario to see Viper Manor, he'll be shocked to see what he finds, the manor is in crumbles. Anybody
from this world who went to the Dead Sea cannot return, they went to search for the Frozen Flame, but ended up being swallowed
into a mixed timeline. Dario will later give Riddel the SnakeFangs, which is her strongest tech skill.
============================================================================= EARTH
DRAGON ISLE(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items: None Elements: Brace(5), Capsule(5), Upheavel Party: Lynx and whomever =============================================================================
You must have completed the Earth Dragon scenario to complete this side quest.
I know this is nitpicking but a grammar error is envoked by the Criosphinx: "Thou
may be allowed to alive here leave!" They should switch the "leave" and "alive" around,
but eh. (^_^)
Head to Earth Dragon Isle in ANOTHER world and head around the same way you did earlier against the
Earth Dragon, when you reach the room you will see the Criosphinx. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Criosphinx HP: 13000 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle is really much easier than it seems. Even if you have max stats, this guy can still give you a lot of trouble. But
like Gogo, you really have to read carefully because brute force will just put you in a bad position. He'll let you
live if you can answer his riddles correctly. Defend for the first round when he asks "Now riddle me this."
nay the burn, Iron pyrite nay the fool, All that glitters is nay...But silence be..." -Yellow Element
"In my anger,
I see...Both the rag to charge at, and the flag to stop at. Blushing, I walk the royal carpet(obvious clue here)." - Red
"It isn't easy being...A friend of the planet, With the jealous monster's eyes giving me a sign to proceed."
- Green Element
NOTE: Jealous is your key word since Green is the color of envy. Duh. :P
"Mare et caelum et
viola, Give me a melancholy gloom, But a first prize ribbon, Makes me feel I've royal blood!" - Blue Element
Royalty is often a term concerned with old English knights, and of Englishmen in high ranks(Knights)
are sometimes called "blue blood." (^_^)
"Like pontoon nay the knave, Or Jolly Roger
nay the bones, Even the top rank of self-defense, be no protection from the plague." - Black Element
"What the extorted
one is bled, With knuckles of fear. The plumage of a coward when faced with the hottest of heat." - White Element
the battle, you get nothing and he leaves you be. However, a very special item can be obtained from this guy the next time
you fight him on New Game+, the Sunglasses will boost the power of every single type of attack done significantly...although
it won't raise your stats. To obtain the Sunglasses you must defeat him anytime before he gives all six riddles. And to
do that, you will need a heckuva lot HP. I'm also pretty confident that if one of your party members is equipped with a
Yellow Plate stolen(Pilfered or Pillaged) from the Earth Dragon, that you can pretty much absorb the attacks and keep
attacking back since he'll just heal you basically. Be warned though, this guy has a ton of HP, almost as much as Lavos...I
seriously doubt you'll lose this guy even 2000 before you die without the Yellow Plate.
============================================================================= REBIRTH
OF SERGE(HOME) Items: Denadorite, Dragon Emblem, Mythril, Red Brooch, Tear of Love Elements: AntiBlack, AntiWhite, Iceberg,
Inferno, Nostrum, Strengthen, Thundastorm, Tornado, Volcano, Weaken Party:
Lynx and whomever =============================================================================
NOTE: You will need
to acquire the Dragon Emblem from Direa, head to ANOTHER world and head to Guldove to the
Dragon Shrine and show Direa the Tear of Hate...she will give you the Dragon Emblem from
the Dragon Shamans.
NOTE: You will have to redo everything here if you came here before defeating
the White Dragon. The Tear of Hate will automatically do everything for you, so all you
have to do is just walk towards Dark Serge.
Now head to the 'HOME' world if you are not there yet and then head to Guldove
and reach the Dragon Shrine to the left, there is a man outside, show him the Dragon Emblem that you recieved earlier and
he will let you in. Inside talk with Steena, she will give you the Dragon Tear "as promised(?)." She will accompany
you to the fort as well.
Head back to Mt.Pyre, you will have to make your way through again to Fort Dragonia, just
like you did prior when you went off to Fort Dragonia in ANOTHER world.
When you reach the center elevator, you
will find Lynx(who is in Serge) floating but expect a fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Dark Serge HP: 3000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep
your HP up, watch for his Cat Reign attack, yes he does have it, but I don't know why since Serge in Yameneko's body doesn't
have anything that Serge had. It does about 220+ damage to all characters, bring any type of healing magic that spreads
to all party members. Watch for his combo attacks, if you have moderate physical defense, then each hit should do about
40 and he can do this three times in a row to a single character. Attack and heal, it's not a hard fight but he does yield
an atrocious 3000 HP count.
Dark Serge is the only boss in here or if there are any bosses here for that matter.
Head down on the elevator and place the Big Egg on the incubator, this will prompt the egg to hatch Draggy, a cute and
very addorable dragon. Feel free to recruit him in your party if you like. When you reach above head to the right, then
go around and pick up the treasure chests along the way and when you go around to hit the light switch, head to the
center part of the room and it will take you upwards like before.
When you open the door...Steena will either talk
or appear right behind you(assuming of course she is not in your party) and then leave, Lynx (Serge) will go in alone.
Go to the center and press the action button over the orb in the middle and a shining energy ball will encircle the room
concurrent to the statues. It'll go about some sort of evolution phase, mainly the dinosaurs. Then one day a giant meteor
struck, the "meteor" was Lavos, but the "apes" that lay hidden in the forest came about the flames and evolved into
In FMV fashion, Serge will become reborn in his true body, but the Dragon Tear has shattered. Later he
walks out in his former self, the party members are shocked to see Serge. Steena will mention something about a Chrono
Cross, she also mentions that hate and love will bring this piece together in the Devine Dragon Falls. The shattered
crystal from ANOTHER world was the Tear of Hate. The shattered crystal from this world is the Tear of Love. You may now head
out of here as there is nothing to do.
============================================================================= SEA
OF EDEN(HOME) Items: None Element: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
over to the Dead Sea to the east side of the world map, it was destroyed and the white dragon rescued you, remember? There
are 3 wormholes, there are no variations to the storyline on which Fate Distortion you opt to take, so enter in either
one of them and a sequence will start...enter in DISK 2!
--------------------------------- [ Disc 2 ] --------------------------------
I was playing another turn earlier and I noticed that you DO NOT NEED a second disc to reach
this next area! Quite odd...there maybe more loose ends to this game than I thought, or
maybe it was just my halluncination. (^_^)
Afterwards, you will be in another area...go
ahead and save your game and note that you can return back to the other world by going back to the wormhole. You've
done a lot so save your game and I will save my walkthrough(on disk that is, what you think I was talking about? The game?) on
my CPU.
============================================================================= SEA OF EDEN(ANOTHER)[Continued] Items:
None Elements: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
are three islands that are on each end of the middle waterfall, it doesn't matter which order you take when you go around
and in each island press the action button on the triangles in the middle of each island and the third time you will
face a boss battle. However, depending on which island path you take will determine which boss you face.
Past, Future/Past, Present, Future: Vita Dos Future, Past, Present/Past, Future, Present: Vita Unis Present, Future,
Past/Future, Present, Past: Vita Tres
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Vita(1/2/3) HP: 2500 Element: Blue(3), Green(2), Red(1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
is a pretty easy battle, you must attack hard at first mainly because it increases in both offense and defense gradually.
It does have a lot of HP though, but it's nothing that you can't handle. It does tend to heal itself when you deal more
than 400HP+ of damage in a single attack and it will attack quite frequently too. The battle strategy should pretty much
go without much hassle, use yellow against Green, use Blue against Red, and Red against Blue.
After the battle
the ground shakes, this is the waterfall collapsing, so now you can head to the center island.
============================================================================= TIME
FORTRESS - CHRONOPOLIS Items: Card Key, Forget-Me-Not-Pot, Rainbow Shell, White Brooch, Yellow
Brooch Elements: CureAll, Hellbound, Magnify, Nostrum(5), Recharge(5) Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
here, it seems as if this place is much like the island that was vaporized before, it's full of technology and bright artificial
lighting. Head towards the middle, but as you do a ghost talks to you...he'll talk about how FATE is using a Flame as
some sort of time-counter energy of sorts. After they talk prepare yourselves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Polispolice HP: 3200 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heh...I'm
not sure if this might be the same for you, but this guy is a joke for me. I had Leeh, Star Child, and Serge in my party
at this time and I annihilated this guy. Have Serge attack as normal and have one healer, your third character should
mainly stick to using elements, but you should bring along a white element character, this way you can change the field effect
and use your summons(obviously avoid using Saints) like FrogPrince and such. Attack with black elements(Gravitonne, GravityBlow,
etc.) and keep your HP up.
After the battle, go around and down to pick up the treasure chest and then head to
the next room. In here the top doors are locked, head to the shaft at the bottom right. Now head to the left and activate
the computer and a little robot will pop up(Deja Vu for SOME strange reason), you will control it with your controller
and direct it to the top right, note that anytime if the little robot falls into the water, you will have to start over again.
When you reach the top right there is a switch, hit it and a brdige will connect to another platform, and then go around
and hit the other switch, to complete the bridge and also collect the treasure chests at the bottom. Once your done
end the protocal and continue on.
Now head to the top right to the ladder and in the next room go around to the
front of the computer behind you and hit the switch and a door will open. Now continue to the top and in this room the
path splits off into numerous places, head to the right path through the door to the next room. In here head to the
second floor and open the blue door on the stairs, note the yellow door cannot be opened. In the room to the left you notice a
set of red lasers, you can pass through them but this would only initiate a robot to veer up, the door to the back is inaccessible.
Head down to the next room and head to the far left pass the elevator, you notice a map eminating from the floor, it
should look familiar since it is the world map in the previous world. Talk to the ghost and he will hit a switch the
variates the map on the floor...he'll talk about how El Nido Archipelago is basically artificial. The research staff had
their memory of the future erased and were sent to the islands created by FATE, and since then FATE has watched over
them for 10000 years...there is a lock out switch at the top left of this room...hit it and head out.
Head to the
middle elevator and then head to the third floor. In here head to the far left into the stationary, you notice that in
the back of the room has several flashing pictures of Lavos...don't tell me this guy is back again(gasp!). The computer
in the back left of the room will detail a bit about the past(mainly it's just a summary of what happened in Chrono Trigger).
After a history recap, head to the back and pick up the Rainbow Shell and head out to the elevator and take the 4th floor.
this floor, head to the operating room to the right, the left door has two ghosts that block your path. In here an automation
of events occur, the middle display houses a temporex wormhole(yeah...Star Trek vocabulary!) and later the four other
ghosts will come towards the center display... they'll start to detail about a scientist in the 11th century(Lucca) and about
the possibility to time travel with a Time Egg, but the research crew is a bit skeptic towards using theories from ancient
dynasties to perform time travel. Apparently when the crew discovered an a gravitational field in the sea of El Nido,
they had built artificial islands and soon later created Chronopolis. Afterwards you can head to the right and go down
to pick up a treasure chest on the stairwell but it's not much of an element, head back to the elevator and head to
the first floor.
In here, head to the left, there is a save point and this appears to be the loading docks or whatever,
talk to the ghost at the top platform tier, he'll talk about Belthasar simply vanishing, so the crew decided to continue his
research. Head back to the 4th floor, the main computer room to the left is open for you, inside you notice that monitors
keep an eye on both worlds, you see on the screen, Viper Manor of both your 'HOME' world and the 'ANOTHER' world. FATE
has been controlling both worlds to avoid major changes to history, controlling people's lives without them even noticing
it. Instructions were then given to a girl in Arni 01 to give up becoming a poet and to a man giving up being a fisherman.
Fortunately, since the occurance in the Dead Sea 10 years ago has disenabled FATE to intervene directly with World 01.
The only thing FATE could do was recieve data from the Records of Fate(in which the save points have led you to this point
in the game has it not?) and with a little success FATE destined Miguel as a watchmen for the Dead Sea. This story is
really starting to become a lot more intruiging.
To the left is a robot you fought earlier, but its a weaker version
but this time it is accompanied by two other robots(or not)...defeat them like regular opponents(attack the smaller
robots first if there are any) but use Blue elements against it and then collect the treasure chest, which is a Card Key. Check
the switch in the back, it'll detail a bit about an old diary someone's grandfather had kept...could this memoir be Kid's
grandfather's diary? You'll see a small dialouge between Magil(I don't know who this guy is yet), Serge, and Kid in
the first trip towards Ft.Dragonia in some other world besides ANOTHER and HOME. Afterwards head out back to the elevator
and head to B1.
In here you will have to face some robots, fight them and then to the left of the door, there is
a platform, stand on it and press the action button over the control panel and after the retina and fingerprint scan you
can proceed to go through(oddly enough, the computer welcomes you back as "Chrono Trigger"). This has been the whole
reason why Lynx wanted Serge's form, to grant him access to Project Kid. After that head to the next room and you notice
a giant orange orb(which is the Frozen Flame), on the floor in front is Kidd, you'll soon see Dark Serge.
after long ado, he tells the party that he is the human incarnation of FATE...or rather that he is FATE. It was 10 years
ago that Wazuki and Miguel had sailed the seas and when Serge was hurt, his wounds were far beyond the healing capabilities
of any doctor. But when he had landed on the island, the Flame had made contact with Serge and and healed his wounds...but
as the security card was rebooted, it granted access to the "Arbiter" or Serge. It was then that a tiny circuit had laid
hidden in the motherboard since the Mother Brain era. This circuit acted decades beyond FATE's comprehension time, once
FATE would detect the circuit, it would erase all records of it's previous existance, which would explain why little was done
about Serge in the beginning of his journey up till now. However, it was not just by a matter of luck, Belthasar and Lucca
Ashtear both created this highly sophistocated circuit. Later a short Prometheus program will run(Robo), he'll notice
Serge and hopes that Serge can bring an end to the enmity between FATE and the dragons...but later the Prometheus program
is then eliminated. Now is the time to test your true wits, all those previous battles don't nearly compare to the toughness
of this battle(with exception of Dario and Crisophinx). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: FATE HP: 5000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle is amazingly tough, the problem with this battle is that even though it employs a countdown, instead of being idle
during the duration of the countdown(like Tyrano or Rust Tyrano from Chrono Trigger), it attacks with several different
and varying black element attacks that can deliver fatal blows to the party. Attack with white elements basically, Meteorshower is
incredibly effective in this battle, as with two white element based characters. Attack and keep your HP up, you'll need
to keep your HP up to the max if possible.
Afterwards, Kidd awakens and it looks like she wishes to destroy the
Frozen Flame, this prompts Harle to persuade Kid not to, but she does anyways...the Dragon Gods have noticed that FATE
has died...this prompts the Dragons to prepare for something(you'll know what it is soon enough), you'll soon see the
Terra Tower rise in FMV fashion. Back at Chronopolis, you learn that in 2400 a counter-time expieriement goes out of control,
causing dimensions to rip apart in a Time Crash and sending Chronopolis 10000 years back in time...in which is the reason
why FATE has watched over the two worlds for 10000 years. Another city was thrown back in time, Dinopolis which is the future
city of the Reptites was summoned much like Chronopolis was summoned from the future. You also learn that it was not the
Dragon Gods that had sealed the Frozen Flame, but it was FATE who used the Frozen Flame to divide the power of the Dragons
and had put them to sleep. Once FATE is defeated, the Dragons will then merge into one and enact revenge(you'll soon see
the merge in FMV fashion).
Harle will then leave, you find yourselves on the S.S. Invincible. The other party
members find it hard to believe that they were being used...but their main objective is to reach that floating tower...but
how? Luckily Kid is resting up at Hermit's Hideaway with Radius caring over her, but her condition doesn't seem too
good. Riddel mentions that Kid's pain probably lies in the past...and it'll probably take an item like the Dragon Tear
or the Masamune to awaken her. Afterwards make sail to Hermit's Hideaway.
============================================================================= TRAPPED
IN THE PAST Items: Diva Dress, Ice Gun, Stardust Cape Elements: Nostrum(10) Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
when you reach Kid, Masa and Mune will talk for a while but then decides not to help since it's out of their league(although
I'm not sure if acquiring the Mastermune or not would effect this small scenario or not). Doreen then will come in and
suggest using the Time Egg, which was created by Lucca(although it's not in whole), you will then go back in time to save
the Princess(Kid), you'll see the robot you busted at Leene Square's Fair in Chrono Trigger, talk to him and he'll tell
you that Kid and Lucca are in the back behind the flames.
Head to the left staircase and check the gun to the left
green box(or whatever) in the back of the room and take the Ice Gun, beware though, it's not for the <Lucca>Mechanically
challenged!</Lucca> Note that one of your party members disappear once you take the gun, you'll need this gun to
take out the flames in the house.
Now head to the right staircase and then go around to the balcony and defeat the
monster and talk to the kid, he will direct some importance of a special element that I don't know of.
the machinery room, check the machine next to the grandfather clock and then press L1, Triangle,
R1, Triangle, and X. You might have noticed that you formed a Cross or plus sign with the
buttons you pressed, this is because Lucca's mother's name is Plus X. In Chrono
Trigger, Lucca never knew the password to the machine and in result her mother lost both
legs. You will recieve Kids' lvl7 tech, HotShot.
Now head back to the previous room and check the top right of the
room in the back and open the latch and climb down, keep going and another party member will disappear and Serge is
left to 'fend for himself. Use the ice gun that on the fire that is blocking the path and continue onto the next room,
you notice that Lynx is in the back of the room along with Harle, apparently she help set the house on fire since Kid didn't
listen to her back at Chronopolis(refer back if you may have forgotten or didn't know what happened in Chronopolis).
Later they then leave, Lucca's glasses are found on the floor, but as Kid tries to run after Lynx and Harle Serge grabs
her and leaves the house before it is set ablaze.
Outside the house is set on fire as it continues to deminish,
it appaers that Kid is alone now...but fortunately she has Serge to comfort her...but not for long as the power of the
Time Egg dwindles down.
NOTE: Yes, I did "busta tear" during this moment. Promise not to tell anyone!
you come back, Kid will join your party again, Radius then tells Kid that a letter is waiting for her at Viper Manor, but
he tells the party to rest for the night. Later Kid expieriences a bit of memory loss, apparently that whenever she's
in a dangerous situation she disappears and vanishes but when she wakes, not a single scratch. Later head out back to Viper
============================================================================= MYSTERY LETTER(ANOTHER) Items:
Rainbow Shell(3) Elements: None Party: Serge, Kid, and whomever =============================================================================
You must bring Kidd along for this event. Also you can acquire NeoFio to join your party,
make sure you have the Life Sparkle and take it over to the small pond in the courtyard
to the right Viper's room, you will bring NeoFio to life...put him in your party if you
Head to the lab and speak with Luccia, shockingly Luccia knew Lucca and had recieved the letter from her to
give to Kid when the time is right(so is it coincidental they share nearly an identical name?). Lucca never really predicted
when Kid would read the letter, she tells Kid that she and a few of her friends had changed the future by defeating Lavos,
an unknown creature from an unknown planet. Lucca wonders what happened to the time that was no longer to exist go?
The suffering that was meant to be no longer exists, but by defeating Lavos, new suffering among people exist and the birth
of those people who were meant to be born no longer exist. It worried Lucca that what they did might cause someone to
enact revenge to capture or kill her and her friends. Lucca has always prepared for the worst, she knows that "he" will always
look after Kid, "he" maybe here right now, and gives a hello to Janus(obviously this isn't neccessarily true).
Kid reads the letter she wishes to be alone, after talking to herself she picks up the Rainbow Shell that was dropped from
the letter.
============================================================================= DEVINE DRAGON FALLS(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items:
Chrono Cross Elements: Chrono Cross Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
This event can only be completed after Chronopolis. Also note that Steena is not required
to come along with you, but if she is, she'll detail a little bit more about the Devine
Dragon worshippers.
There is a waterfall that is not labeled(much like the Bend of Time and Forbidden Isle), it's
located on the south part of the main continent(Zenan Mainland) between Hydra Marsh and Arni village. Head inside and place
the Tear of Hate and the Tear of Love in each brass podium. You will then recieve the Chrono Cross, if Serge has the
Saints summon, you can give it up to someone else like Starky. The Chrono Cross is a level 8 element and also a key
item...you'll know later in the game what it's purpose is for.
============================================================================= UNIDENTIFIED
FLYING OBJECT: EL NIDO TRIANGLE(ANOTHER) Items: Anti-Gravity Device, Rainbow Shell(2), Resistance Belt Elements: None Party:
Serge, Starky, and whomever =============================================================================
Bring Starky along on this mission, if you didn't acquire him yet then head to the green
western island on the world map on your 'HOME' world, by now he should be pretty easy to
defeat. Also note that you can defeat the boss and then bring Star Child afterwards because
this boss can only be hurt by red elements(as shown by the field effect status sphere at
the top left) and I would HIGHLY suggest that you bring two red element characters along,
they will stand up incredibly durable against the boss' attacks.
Head to the south
triangular rocks and go down the whirlpool to the ocean floor(the music is a bit reminiscent of Maridia from Super Metroid
though) and head straight to the center and you will see a UFO, head to the UFO and battle with the Jellyfish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: RoyalJelly HP: 1657 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully
you did do what I ask and brung two red element characters along. Your physical attacks do nothing, as does green, black,
yellow, blue, and white elements do nothing. Red elements will deal a lot of damage to this guy and he only has 1657
HP. Have Serge just attack the guy until he gains to level 7, this way you can heal your party members incase they need
it. Have Serge defend(if he only carries healing properties and no red elements) and have your other characters attack
until they can use level 5-7 elements, use all of those up first and then go down weaker in your elements chart so that
you can destroy this boss much more quickly. The jellyfish's attacks are nothing to worry about and it attacks VERY slowly,
so you can get about 1.5 rounds per attack the jellyfish manages to get. Elements like Volcano, Inferno, and Salamander
all work very nicely.
After the battle(if you don't have Star Child, go back and get him) Starky will be shocked
to find his ship(gosh he is just so gosh darn cute). You also learn that the party is able to breathe since the ship enminates
a force field. Later Starky begins to do a lot of things with the ship, later they head back to Chronopolis. Before
you leave, note what he said, he said he might be able to find some stuff when he comes back later, keep this in mind.
you arrive at Chronopolis, Starky will install the Anti-Gravity device onto the boat. After a litte talk the party flies
towards the Terra Tower in FMV fashion.
============================================================================= TERRA
TOWER(ANOTHER) Items: Betta Carotene, Defender Plus, Pack of Lies, Rainbow Shell(3),
Spectral Glove, Time Egg Elements: Blackhole(2), BlueField, GreenField, HealPlus, HolyHealing,
Nostrum, RedField, YellowField Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
you head here, there is a save point, save your game and then continue on through. Inside you see a floating yellow sphere
of energy and you will be forced into battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Terrator HP: 2200 Element: Yellow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too tough, you should mainly attack with green elements like Sonja(if you have it) or Bushbasher. Attack
it like normal, you can also trap a Golem and Earthquake from this guy as well as steal a Yellow Brooch, so at least
this guy gives away a lot of goodies.
After the battle continue on inside and to the left is a weakened statue, push
it over to cross over to the otherside. Then enter the doorway and head down to the lower right and climb down the red
stalk or whatever it is. In here, go around to the bottom left door. In here climb around to the bottom, you will eventually
reach a brance that just breaks and you fall to the bottom below. Down here you notice a giant face on the ceiling,
he mentions that the Terra Tower is a fortress belonging to the Reptites and it's a symbol of revenge against mankind by
the dragons. In just 3 million years, the human brain has evolved three times in size, the human evolution has evolved
rapidly since the encounter with the crimson flame from Lavos.
Afterwards continue to head to the left. In this
next room go around past the waterfall and pick up the treasure chest(becareful not to fall) and then head to the top
right, in here, climb the red vines till you reach the top(don't forget the treasure chest at the bottom which is semi-hidden
behind the waterfall) and then you will come back to the room you initially entered except this time you are on the
upper level.
From here push over the two statues and they will form a path to the next area. In here fight the red
orb at the top right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Pyrotor
HP: 2400 Element: Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too hard, you should attack with BlueWhale or FrogPrince and keep this guy in check. He'll cast Sadness
Wave at the beginning of the battle to lessen your physical attacks, but it's nothing too much. He has this annoying
tendeancy to heal himself with a Tablet three times, while it cures him only 90 HP total, it turns the field effect completely
red while he does it.
After the battle pick up the treasure chest to the left and continue onto the top right. In
here, it's pretty linear...just pick up the treasure chests and climb to the top. In here it's pretty much the same thing
except replace the ladders with staircases and head to the top right.
You will find yourself at the left wing of
Viper Manor, which leads directly to the library and the Guru of Reason, Belthasar. As you know from Chrono Trigger,
he was thrown out of his time in 12000 BC due to Queen Zeal's obcession for Lavos' power. When he was in the future, he
applied his own knowledge of magic and combined it with today's magic...technology. His research led him to the Time
Crash and Chronopolis and he had created a machine named "Neo Epoch" and he had used it to travel to 2400 AD to see how things
were doing in the distant future. The Terra Tower actually is Dinopolis, a city that was created by descendants from Azala,
it was drawn into ANOTHER world's past 10000 years ago because it would serve as a counter balance against Chronopolis.
it was then that the Reptite's Fortress, Dinopolis, had engaged in a battle against the humans, eventually it was the Reptites
that suffered defeat and that the Fortress was sealed away by FATE. Initially, the Archipelago of El Nido was known
as the Sea of Eden...where the dragons has laid dorment. It was then that FATE had sealed away the Dragon Gods' powers...which
resulted in the name, Sea of Eden. Shockingly, you were used by the Dragons to destroy FATE...ironically the story of what
the Dragons had told you were untrue. The power of the Dragons were sealed by FATE using the Frozen Flame, and in truth
it is the Dragons who favor the Reptites and FATE is the protector of humanity.
Originally the Dragons were once
uniform of the planet's energy. In the future of the Reptites, the Dragon was used as a machine to power the Reptites'
future, but FATE had divided the Dragon God into six weaker forms and sent them scattering and sealed. Apparently there
are more than six dragons but seven, the 7th dragon lay hidden...the Dark moon Dragon. This dragon was to work against
FATE to break the bond FATE had over the Dragons. You soon learn that it was Harle who had helped loosen the bond between
the Dragons and FATE. If you have the Chrono Cross, you'll hear the three kids tell you how to use it...Melody and Harmony.
With it, once you acquire all six elements in battle, you can combine the sounds of the world into one melody, afterwards
they leave. Pick up the Blackhole element at the top and head back out to the way you came in.
Head out to the previous
room prior to the bridge and then take the next doorway(it previously was not available to you before). You notice 6 giant elemental
crystals in this room...just continue onto the next room...proceed to whoop ass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Anemotor HP: 2500 Element: Green ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
guy isn't too tough IMHO. Just use Yellow Elements like ThundaSnake or Upheavel, he will change the entire field effect
green by using the InfoScope initially. Once you damage him beyond 2000 HP, he'll heal himself with about 497 HP, it
gets annoying at times too. Make sure you have the Trap Sonja element in place, this way you can acquire the summon if
you didn't acquire it from the PreyMantis earlier.
After the battle press the action button over the platform and
you will arrive at a new location and YES! Finally! A save point!! It's a sure fire bet that I don't have to tell you
to save because you've accomplished a lot so far. It appears that the party still have ways to go...this thing is far from
Head to the left and keep going left until you reach a blue portal...you will see a bad ass dude in front
of a green refractor...you know what to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Gravitor HP: 3000 Element: Black ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
guy is really softer than he looks...use white elemental attacks against this guy...they work pretty well and physical
attacks with Serge and Starky are highly reccommended since you can do about 150+ damage on this guy with some of the
characters you carry around(Serge can do about 200+ if he's strong enough). When his HP goes down below 500 he will heal
himself with 200 HP, it gets annoying sometimes because he can do this everytime you hit him, which makes attacking
him almost useless. Save your level 7 attacks for last, once he heals use your level 7(Floating Arrow, Starstruck, etc.).
the battle the crystal shatters and energy is cut off to the main resource. Head back around(save your game if you wish)
and you should trying bringing Black element characters(Grobyc, Guile, etc.) along, then head to the right. Note that
the wind is blowing rather strong, maintain your balance because the wind blows you directly to enemies around you. When
you reach the other green refractor...prepare yourselves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Luxator HP: 3000 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You
should mainly stick to black element attacks(remember the Blackhole element you recieved earlier?), avoid using tchs for
your white element characters. Guile's and Grobyc's techs work pretty well in this battle. Note that when you knock
it down into the 1800 HP area, it will heal itself with HolyHealing, which heals almost 800 HP to himself...ouch. Just
keep attacking and heal yourself when you need to. You should try to lay trap elements on this guy if you can, you can
get nifty spells like UltraNova(strongest white element in the game), Unicorn summon, and HolyLight. The white plate will obviously
protect you from it's devastating OmegaWhite attack...without it, you just better pray that he doesn't use it during battle.
After the battle, all energy is cut off to it's output resource. Head back and save your game. Then continue
to the next area.
In here is a blue orb...you know what to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Aquator HP: 2800 Element: Blue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle shouldn't be too hard, use your TurnRed element to turn the field effect in your favor. Attack with red elements
such as Salamander and Volcano and watch for it to heal itself with 457 HP once you knock it down to about 2000 HP...save
your level 7 attacks for last so that you can finish it off before it gets the chance to use it.
After the battle
you will notice several glowing energy spots on the floor. Go to the top and reach the next area. This place should look
familar since you have been here before...you fought the Sky Dragon here, as you make your way to the top you notice
the Frozen Flame, as the party tries to come in contact with the Frozen Flame, they get pushed back by a glimpse energy field.
It looks like the Time Devourer wishes to eliminate all human lifeform on Earth...luckily you won't let that happen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Time Devourer HP: 11500 Element: All ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle will be tough, this dragon has about 11500 HP!! Damn! Once you lose it about 1100 each time, it will transcend to
another area and you should notice these areas because he will travel to all the locations you fought the elemental
dragons on except the white dragon because you are already on that platform. He's actually pitifully weak and all HP...HONEST! He
has weak ass physical attacks and the only damage you should worry about is when he teleports to another area...the drop
damages the party but very little, sometimes it might miss or not damage you at all...it all depends on the side quests
that you have accomplished since they might have boosted your stats high enough to withstand the attacks. It normally doesn't
heal itself but you might want to save your level 7 attacks for last(EXCEPT SERGE!) have Serge use his level 7 attack
when the field effect is black...this will deal out about I don't know...900-1200+ damage! Use the XXXField elements for varying
elements this dragon turns into, the locations should easily tell you which element to use. This is where your TurnXXX
element comes into play, it will start off in a white element status. Attack with black, also note that each time you
are teleported to a new location, your characters can suffer damage depending on which element they are. Characters of
the same element with the next location will suffer no damage(if your character is blue and you travel to the Water
Dragon Isle, you will suffer no damage). However, if your stats are strong enough, you can suffer no damage wherever you
travel to, period. Each form yields an atrocious 2000 HP, the last form yields 1500 HP and is also a white innate element.
Do not be surprised if you lose a few times, but luckily this guy gives you a chance, he doesn't use super strong elements,
often he might cast a few weak elements like MagmaBomb and IceLance. If you like, you can steal a HolyHealing from this
guy, unless of course you already have it.
After the battle, the Dragon God exits, apparently you only defeated
a temporary form it used to appear in this dimension. The Dragon God itself was consumed by Lavos long ago...the Frozen
Flame is merely a splinter from Lavos. Once you become connected with the Frozen Flame, you in effect become connected
with Lavos. The Time Devourer is a new lifeform, fused with Lavos and a lifeform from this planet...it wishes to devour
everything into nothingness...afterwards Belthasar gives you the Time Egg. You will later witness a giant earthquake
that erupts on Dinopolis...luckily the party escapes without trouble. The Terra Tower itself sinks to the sea...and forms into
a giant pheonix.
Afterwards Kidd givers her speech...she later tells the party that the Devourer of Time is located
on Opassa Beach, or at least the path to it. It's where this thing got started and it's probably where it's going to end.
you head to Opassa Beach, you may want to do a few things first before taking your journey towards the End of Time.
============================================================================= RETURN
TO EL NIDO TRIANGLE(ANOTHER)[Optional] Item: None Element: Starstruck Party: Serge, Starky, and whomever =============================================================================
back to El Nido Triangle and go back to Starky's spaceship, you remembered earlier that he mentioned about looking for
some other things when he comes back, in his spaceship he will search through some things until he finds his Starstruck
lvl7 tech skill.
============================================================================= GULDOVE AND ORLHA(ANOTHER)[Optional] Item:
None Element: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
Orlha the Sapphire Brooch in her bar and she will then join your party.
============================================================================= RAINBOW
ITEMS[Optional] Items: Master Hammer Elements: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
This event can only be completed when you have liberated Marbule free of the monsters.
to Marbule in the HOME world and purchase a Master Hammer from the guy in the back of Marbule. Equip it on Zappa and then
head to ANOTHER world with Zappa in your party and speak with the other Zappa in Termina, later they'll start to create
the Rainbow Axe, but unfortunately the Axe is for the other Zappa to keep. However, Zappa does learn how to forge rainbow
items now, which are severely powerful and cataclysmically outrageous in terms of overall stat boost. You will need
to earn Shiny Items if you wish to acquire these rainbow items, just finish off your opponents with summons to acquire rainbow
============================================================================= EINLANZER 2 AND SKELLY(ANOTHER)[Optional] Items:
Einlanzer(2nd) Elements: None Party: Serge, Glenn, and whomever =============================================================================
Glenn in your party and then head over to Termina in your ANOTHER world and talk and check the sword laying on the east
shrine, Glenn must have the Einlanzer sword equipped, afterwards you will recieve the other Einlanzer. Fortunately you
can them both at the same time, resulting in a ferocious physical attack.
Head over to Skelly's mother's house(right
of Viper's statue) and then talk to her when you have collected all the pieces:
Angry Scapula Good Backbone Heavy
Skull Mixed Bones Pelvic Bone Sturdy Ribs
The clock will then ring and Skelly will then come back to his grandmother, head
out and come back in and talk to Skelly and he'll join your party if you say "Please."
============================================================================= CHRONO
TRIGGER...PART DEUX Items: None Elements: None Party: Serge and whomever =============================================================================
to Opassa Beach on the HOME world and speak with the three kids. Speaking with them will tie up a few knots in the storyline
along with brief synopsis of things. So when did all of this start? 10 years ago when Serge died in ANOTHER world? Or
14 years ago when Serge was wounded by the black panther and when he came in touch with the Frozen Flame? Or maybe it was
the Time Crash that sent Chronopolis back 10000 years in the past? Or maybe back in 12000 B.C. when the Kingdom of Zeal
met it's fate when Queen Zeal used the Mammon Machine to harnest Lavos' power? Indeedio, it was the destruction of the
ancient Kingdom of Zeal. Schala had saved the party, but she did not save herself as she was sucked into a dimensional
vortex along with the Mammon Machine...it was then that Schala and Lavos united to form a very powerful entity...the
Devourer of Time. Half of her mind wanted to set destruction on all existance while the other half wished to save the universe.
It was then that Serge had cried 14 years ago when he was attacked by a black panther, Schala heard his cry and when
she tried to come to this dimension(HOME), it caused a magnetic storm which resulted in leading Serge to the Frozen Flame and
the temporary power outage of FATE's systems. Before she was consumed with her destructive side, she created a clone of
herself and sent it into this dimension, she then left her daughter-clone with the pendants so that it would protect
her from life and death situations. That clone turned out to be Kid. The "Project Kid" expieriment by Belthasar was to
lead Serge to the special point in time between the Time Crash, Chronopolis, and the battle between FATE and the six
Dragon Gods...all predestined so that Serge would acquire the Chrono Cross to prevent Time itself from being devoured.
However, Kid was to never be aware of the plan until the entire plan was finished. Kid was to save Serge from drowning
10 years ago and to call Serge when Serge spoke with Leena on the very beach that you are standing on now.
As you
speak to the child in white, she'll tell you of a new species that is about to born that is even more evolved than Lavos.
On the other side of time, she became an enmity with Lavos...but Belthasar had already predicted this outcome in the
year 2300, the time period where he was thrown into when Queen Zeal tampered with the power of Lavos. He did everything
in his power to prevent the Time Devourer to consume time. The Chrono Cross itself is a very special item, with it,
you can combined the sounds of the planet that the six elements produce. The "Song of Life" will bring Melody and Harmony
to Schala and it will save her from the depths of her own enmity.
Talk to the other Kid in red(who looks like the
kid form of Crono), he'll tell you that Serge had drowned and died on the very spot that he was standing on 10 years
ago. The world Serge is in now(the HOME world) is the false world...10 years ago Lynx tried to Kill Serge on this very
beach...but Prometheus(Robo) broke the link between the Frozen Flame and FATE. As the link broke, the Frozen Flame was
literally up for grabs between giant powers. The six dragons had sent Harle to acquire the Frozen Flame...it was then that Harle
had came in contact with FATE's biological incarnation and fooled it into joining forces to acquire more information about
the Frozen Flame. It was the priority of everyone to break the lock Prometheus had on the Frozen Flame. No one was able
to break the link, not even FATE or neither Harle, it was then the two went back in time and captured Lucca...who had the
ability to break the link Prometheus had on the Frozen Flame. But it got nowhere, FATE predicted that you would come
in contact with the Frozen Flame one day and cross dimensions to do so. Shockingly(yes I was shocked myself), but Lynx was
actually your father Wazuki!!!!!!! Crap! What a storyline! Wazuki was influenced by the Frozen Flame, the image of seeing
his only son die changed him. It was then that his psyche had eroded and he was intergrated by FATE. FATE had created
Lynx, to mimic your worst fear...the black panther that had attacked Serge and gave Serge his wounds. Although Wazuki was
able to escape with Serge, he was already consumed by FATE. Maybe even one day, FATE itself would try to evolve it's
own self into a new species. When you gazed into the Frozen Flame, it gazed back at you.
Use the Time Egg that you
just recieved and use it over the purple warp tile...select the first choice and head on. You will end up in the Darkness of
Time dimension. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL CONFRONTATION: Time
Devourer HP: 17000 Element: White ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This
battle really isn't as hard as it looks. You should mainly attack it with black elements...it attacks mainly with Green
and Yellow elements like Upheavel and Carnivore, but they attack pretty hard. Rarely will Time Devourer use OmegaXXX
but when it does, I sure hope you have the XXX Plate to protect against it. You don't neccessarily have to have the strongest
items and armors to win, because you don't! Simple as that! Time Devourer is pretty slow, it'll attack every two or
three rounds. Use Dual Techs and Triple Techs against this guy if you have them. To be honest, there really isn't much strategy
that goes towards beating this guy.
Here is what LtRckHuntr says about another strategy towards Time Devourer:
have everyone at power 8 and stamina 7, and right after Lavos uses a spell (Usually Carnivore or some other Green Element),
Have Serge cast Uplift, then have the person after him defend for serge to gain 1 Stamina, then have that person cast
a red, then have the next person in party defend, then you continue with the rhythm..... the main idea is to get all the
way up to black & white.... after a Black spell immediately cast a white and lavos will never attack you unless
you cast another element, so all you have to do is have serge attack to gain back whatever Power Lvls he lost and then
cast Chrono Cross, also, each character after their turn should try and be at 1 stamina after their first turn
(Stamina Belts help aswell), after that you need to try and make sure they atleast stay at 0 stamina after their turn because
after someone else casts an element the person with 0 should gain 1 stamina point.
Confusing I know, but if you
try and decode that you'll have a sure fire way to beat him."
Note that is method works, I just like to point out
that when I tried it, Lavos had this annoying habit of casting a yellow element after I casted my red element. I think
it's random rather than just any definite pattern. But other than that, this strategy definitely works though.
I was too lazy to do this earlier, but the order of element bosses you fought in Dinopolis(Terra
Tower) is the corresponding code for the Chrono Cross. But you noticed that you fought the
Black and White elements before the blue element, which is NOT the correct order...read
below for more details on that matter. And thanks to William Birken for the correction I
had made.
NOTE: To obtain the best ending, use the Chrono Cross. You will have to play
the elements in a certain order...which order do you use? Remember the order you fought
the elements in Terra Tower? With Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White. Also note
that you cannot switch the Black and the white around, because you may have fought Luxator
first before Gravitor. The hard part is to get the six elements in place, Time
Devourer is such a (insert b-word here) since he can easily break up your rythmn. What you
have to do is work with Time Devourer instead of against it. The problem with this is that
you really have to do some predicting, Lavos will use Green, Yellow, and Blue elements the
most. Let's say you predict Lavos will use a green element, first use Yellow
and then Red, and then attack or defend BUT DO NOT TRY TO CONTINUE the Chrono Cross pattern.
Instead wait for Lavos to cast the potiential green element, and then you continue it from
there and just cast Black, White, Blue, and then the Chrono Cross. It's a lot harder than
it sounds, another tip you want to bring along is to use lvl1 or lvl2
elements, no matter how strong the element, you will still get the same melody and harmony
as from any other element. If you use a lvl1 element, you would have 7 levels left(assuming
of course you had built your element levels by attacking regularly) instead of no levels
left if you were to use a summon like the Saints. Also the Chrono Cross is
a level 8 element, and you don't want to take your chances by building up to level 8 with
physical attacks if you are not already there since Lavos can attack with an element during
the middle of your physical attacks sometimes and that breaks up your order and you would
have to start over again. It's quite fustrating and you'll need to must up a
lot of preparation for this battle if you want the best ending. Make sure all three of your
characters carry at least 4 different types of any elements in their lvl1 or lvl2 slot.
This way you won't have to defend and give Lavos a chance to change your rythmn because
a certain character didn't have that element color, and the character that did
have the correct element had already depleted their stamina. Also take note that you can
use the Chrono Cross only once...once you use it up, famoose...it's gone. This is a lot
to bare but the ending is worth it.
After playing through the game, I must say that this game kicks serious ass. Involving
the most complex, most intruiging, and mist interesting storyline in any RPG to date...this game can easily render up among
many people's favorite game of all time list.
NEW GAME+ is available to you, save your game to memory and start
the game over with stats and items from before! So now you don't have to worry about getting whooped again to get a
better ending...
============================================================================= -------------------------------
[ Endings ] --------------------------------- =============================================================================
Defeat Time Devourer once Serge wakes up, without doing anything major head to Opassa Beach and defeat Time
You'll find yourself at Viper Manor, this is the development room where you
meet almost the entire crew of Chrono Cross...it's pretty much the same thing as the End of Time Development
room in Chrono Trigger.
Rating: 1/10 Comments: Yawn. Boring. Personally, I don't like
this ending...no offense to Square, but their development room endings produce "major suckage."
Defeat Time Devourer after acquiring Poshul in your party or after the events on Opassa beach.
You'll be in Arni village at the docks, Serge almost caught a 10 foot lion shark. The ferryman and Lenna talk
about Serge and such(like being surprised that he use to be a housekeeper). Later Kid comes in around
the back, she then witnesses what the party says about Serge settling down with Leena and having a family,
she then runs off. After a short talk the scene switches over to Viper Manor where Kid defeats Lynx for
the Frozen Flame. Later she becomes General Kid, lord of El Nido. The Viper army becomes hesistated and intimidated
when they hear of the Porre army approaching but Kid settles them down telling them she has
the Frozen Flame, she talks about defeating Guardia Kingdom and then taking down the Porre army. You'll see
a small dialogue that Kid and the Acacia army had defeated the Porre army and along side her was the
Frozen Flame.
Rating: 9/10 Comments: Really a shocking ending, it came unexpected...I
can pretty much imagine this scenario as the Third World, completely different from the HOME
and ANOTHER realities. Truely a great and long ending.
3. Defeat Time Devourer before you save Kid with the Hydra Humour.
The events start off with Leena telling Lisa to hurry for Nikki's concert in Termina. After searching around
Lisa finds the tickets in her pockets, later the streets of Termina are LITERALLY crowded with people all
waiting to see the Magical Dreamers concert. Later Nikki will introduce the new band members,
Serge as the percussionist, Kid the vocalist, and Razzly, the mascot! They'll later perform Magical Dreamers,
the song that was played in Marbule after the S.S. Zelbess events. Later at Fort Dragonia
you see Lynx at the top pondering as the screen fades...
Rating: 7/10 Comments: Pretty
good ending, could've been longer though. The concert was okay...although you couldn't hear Kid at all, despite
the fact that she was the vocalist...but then again the only Square RPGs ever to have voice
was Xenogears, Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy IX. It would've been nice to see what happened before the
screen faded though.
4. Defeat Time Devourer without acquring Nikki before switching over to Lynx.
It looks as if Serge has a job at Termina. Later at Fort Dragonia, Peppor, Solt, and Pierre looks like this
have some work to be done.
Rating: 6/10 Comments: A good ending...but too short and, quite
frankly...it was wierd. O_o
5. Defeat Time Devourer after you escape from the Temporal Vortex.
You'll find Harle and Lynx in the new Marbule, the people greet Harle and Lynx warmly. Later Harle and Lynx
decides to take on the request of Irenes(at this present time we do not know what that request is).
Later the Sage will then wish for Lynx to become the new leader for Marbule...people look up to him and they
need him. Harle then tells Lynx that he will regain his old self, but until then she wishes Lynx
to do what is best for the demi-humans here at Marbule as Harle promises to be at Serge's side.
Later you see Radius, Zappa, and Fargo at the Dead Sea entrance in the HOME world...bwahahahahahaha! "Three
old farts!" That is a portion of the dialogue when the party meets up with Dark Serge, and note that
this did actually take place in the Chrono Cross storyline. The screen fades with Kid and Dark Serge against
Radius, Fargo, and Zappa.
Rating: 9/10 Comments: Really a powerful ending. I hate it when
Square leaves you on the edge of your seat like that. This ending would've gotten a higher
score had it not been so predictable near the end(with Kid coming out to help and with the ending fading before
we see the real action). But overall, this is one of the best endings I've seen in the game so far.
Defeat Time Devourer directly after saving Ridel before Harle leaving your party.
will see Viper set down in the center room...they prepare to face Lynx's army. Norris is apparently a chef(lmfao!)
of some sort and hopes that the Porre army will strike back. Later you see a battles underneath
on the lower docks of the S.S. Invincible with the Pirates and Acacia army against numerous monsters and such.
Fargo and Viper along with the three Dragoon Devas meet Dark Serge.
Later Harle and Lynx(Serge)
are talking over with each other and how Harle never stays in one place so long since the other Lynx kept
traveling so much. Before Harle goes to get the ingredients, Kid comes in and still think
Lynx is Lynx as the screen fades...(damn, I predicted that!)
Rating: 9.5/10 Comments:
Truely a wonderful ending, the reason why I like this ending so much was that it got more tense as the ending
went along...it was made even more tense once the screen faded when Kid met Lynx. It's not that
long of an ending...but definitely a very good ending.
7. Defeat Time Devourer after Harle leaves your party but before
defeating FATE at Chronopolis.
You will find Kid and Dark Serge at Chronopolis' entrance
hall. Kid will hold off the party as she tells Serge to ahead. Harle(who left your party earlier)
will come in...she tries to persuade Kid to stop Dark Serge but to no avail as the two get ready to fight
each other as the screen fades to black.
Later in Termina you see an old man who comes
in the far left shack to consult the records of FATE, when the man goes over to the Record of FATE,
it begins an errie glow of dark energy...apparently the Record of FATE has turned black as he runs out.
Later you see Dark Serge in front of the Frozen Flame at Chronopolis and he laughs as he will become FATE(on
a correction, he is FATE...but I'll leave the details to Square).
Rating: 8/10
Comments: A good and very unpredictable ending(for once). This fills in the gap as to what happened immediately
after Harle had left your party.
8. Defeat Time Devourer after Harle leaves your party and after you defeated
Dario and recieved the Mastermune, but before you defeat FATE at Chronopolis.
You'll see
a bunch of kids in Viper Manor...Viper gives them a rather short lecture. Later Dario and the Acacia officer
discuss plans to build a Dragoon Youth Group...they seem to laugh everytime they mention that
they should keep it a secret from Riddel. Later in Termina Dark Serge, Kid, and Harle. Dark Serge wishes to
make Termina into a ghost town but Harle and Kid complain that they have been walking all day and need a
rest...they then head into the bar...Karsh and Marcy lead the group to their table. Dark Serge orders an "ice-cold
beer(?)" but Harle tells Dark Serge that he's underage(LMFAO!!! Serge is only 17!!!). Kid wants
some non-alcoholic drinks(wuss) and Karsh suggests the "Galaxy Night" in which Kid accepts. Harle wishes for
a Denadoro Mountain Blend with two cream and ten sugar(!). Marcy then persuades Dark Serge to order her
and himself a Galaxy Night as well. As Luccia attends to the drinks, two Starky's come in...they order everything
in the box.
Dark Serge and the gang have a toast...later he reorders another Galaxy Night
for Marcy. The two Starky's however(or look-alike Starky's) have ranked the people as Rank K, and have found
no unique substance in their liquids. Oddly enough they wish to commence attack with the Mothership
but it looks like they'll have to wait. Dark Serge calls for the check but looks at the outrageous price for
the drinks...he goes to the back and threatens to sue. Outside Karsh laughs at the "easy money" that they
made and it looks like they'll meet their quota for this month.
Rating: 9.9/10 Comments:
A really long and very enjoyable ending. A lot of the stuff was hilarious and it's nice to see the soft side
of Lynx(or FATE) now and then. The underage drinking and the outrageous bar tabs was truely
hilarious. 2nd Best ending in the game IMHO.
9. Defeat Time Devourer after Serge's rebirth and after you defeat FATE
at Chronopolis but before defeating the Dragon God.
You'll find the Sage of Marbule and the chief dwarf
at Sky Dragon Isle along with the Dragon God. The Dragon God wishes to eliminate all humans
as does the Chief Dwarf, but the Sage has his doubts...later you'll find Harle in Serge's house and Arni is
completely vacated by demi-humans. The demi humans laugh upon the humans who had ran. Harle still ponders
over what had happened, she picks up Bellflowers and places them over a grave, which is probably
Rating: 10/10 Comments: A close margin for being the best ending in the game,
while it was a bit on the short side, IMHO, it was pretty powerful. The most shocking part
was Harle placing flowers over Serge's(presumably) grave. Powerful and shocking is what gives this ending
the trouble to see.
10. Beat the entire game without using the Chrono Cross.
The credits
roll and a small box displays some FMVs not found during the course of the game as well as some of the
game's events.
Rating: 3/10 Comments: Not much of an ending, the music was
good...but obviously no one really cares about the credits...we care about the actual ending!
Beat the entire game with the Chrono Cross.
During midway through the battle, after you cast the
Chrono Cross...you'll witness a realtime event where Schala breaks free from Lavos.
Later you see a dialogue, in front of a watery view the planet, of Schala's voice. On a side note, Schala
makes very key points that some of us never think of. Sadly, Serge will lose all previous memories of
this entire adventure, the party members that were with him say their goodbyes.
However, Kid vows to find Serge...no matter what time or world.
A voice then calls upon Serge, he
finds himself awaken on Opassa Beach, right after the tidal wave had hit him after talking with Leena.
Serge talks about FATE, Chronopolis, etc.(I thought his memories were to be erased?)
but Leena finds it odd since they just got there. The screen then fades...an FMV plays(similar to the
opening intro)...the text goes by with Schala "Kid" Zeal's closing letter...then it switches over to
ending 10, in which the credits roll, bla bla bla bla bla.
After the credits, or during near the
end of the credits you see Kid in the modern day streets of Japan(I guess) holding a bead neckless...she
still wishes to continue to find Serge. The last FMV is rather interesting though, Kid is shown on Opassa
beach but instead of her usual attire she's in a white dress(looks like a wedding gown but not
sure) as the screen fades to "Fin"
Rating: 8/10 Comments: A sad ending really...losing
memories such as those is devastating...even though you would not know about them. I only have
two small gripes about this ending, it was too short and was barely worth the trouble to get it(but
it still is worth the trouble, just not too much trouble) and it made it seem that all the events in
Chrono Cross appear in unjustifying vain.
============================================================================= ----------------------------
[ Miscellaneous ] ------------------------------ =============================================================================
New Game+ This feature is pretty well known. You will recieve 3 key items, the Relief Charm, Time Egg,
and Time Shifter. Read below to see what each does, and when you reach the Bend of Time, you can go through the
door and fight with Ozzie, Flea and Slash. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS
BATTLE: Flea, Ozzie, Slash HP: 1200(F)/2000(O)/1400(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As
you can expect this will be a tough battle. Attack Ozzie first, this takes away his annoying spells, there is one spell
where he casts that it makes it impossible for you to hit Ozzie, Flea, or Slash with anything, not even elements. Then
Attack Flea, he will use a lot of status effect spells, but he's pretty weak in the physical attack department. Slash,
obviously is Slash, pretty much a pure physical(and powerful) attack character. If you couldn't tell just by looking
at them, Flea is of a red element, Ozzie is of a green element, and Slash is of a blue element. If you have Sprigg with
the Forget-Me-Not-Pot element, you can capture all three of these guys' attacks and such. It's especially important
that you acquire Slash since you'll need him to perform the ultra powerful Z-Slash triple tech. Just have Sprigg defeat
Slash and it's yours basically.
- Obtaining all 44 characters After you have beaten the game, you must make
your way all the way up to Sprigg's dimension, this is where you will have a chance to acquire all your
party members from your previous game. Then you will have to beat the game three times to acquire the rest, the
first time you took Pierre, the second time you took Guile, and the third time you took Nikki. To obtain
Harle however, you must have Harle in your party and go to the Darkness of Time and defeat Time Devourer. Just take
the different paths each time and you will have all the characters. Let me remind you that playing through
Chrono Cross(even with it's stature), it gets pretty boring the third time around. Note that you can access Sprigg's
dimension through the Hydra Marsh on the HOME world.
- Minuses When you start a New Game+, you
will lose all your key items(except for what is described above), and all the event items like the Einlanzer or
the Mastermune. However, your stats still remain intact and you still have your previous elements and previous summons
and you can prepare to kick ass like you never did before.
- Continue+ This really isn't much actually.
With continue+ about, you can have the Relief Charm and the Time Shifter in your possession and you are welcomed
to head over to the Bend of Time(which is located on the small islands south of the main continent, and note that
this place is not marked the first time you come here) and fight the three foes. Also here is a bit of
info from Sabin0786:
"Also no guides mention this either : evry time u beat the gmae on continue
game plus and save it after the credits. It gives u the option of continue game plus and new game plus
agian except evrything u had si one more. Say u beat the continue game plus with 1 rainbow armmor saved
it after the credits did new game plus or continiue game plus agian u would hav 2 rainbow
armors this applies to evryhting (weapons armor elements money) except for stars. It is a great way to build
money and hard to get elemnts like ultranova. Unfourtenatly it doesnt work with summons. well
thnx for making an awsome faq and i hoipe this helps u. Plz respond."