[They leave the mountain and see Fort Dragonia.] [FMV] [It is the fortress from the start of the game.
We see a few visions of Serge stabbing Kid.] [FMV] [They enter the fortress.] [After lots of exploring and boss fighting,
they reach the elevator from before and head up to the top area. They go to the door.] [FMV] [The door openss. Serge sees
a vision of himself stabbing Kid. The vision ends.] [FMV] [The door opens.] Kid: C'mon, mate!!! [They head inside. There the
dragon tear sits on a pedestal. Viper and Lynx wait there.] Lynx: Finally... We've been expecting you. Viper: I have nothing
personal against you, but anyone who hinders our plan must be eliminated. I am rather sorry about that... [They fight him.]
Viper: Care for some warming up first, eh? Then come now lads, I will take you on! [He is defeated.] Viper: Hah-hah-hah!!!
Hah hah hah... You are a worthy opponent... But let us see how you do now. I shall give it my all... [Lynx stabs him.] Viper:
L-Lynx......... You......traitor......! Lynx: You were extremely useful in helping me make my way around these islands. I
appreciate your help, General. However, I no longer have any need for you. This fort shall serve as a fine grave marker for
you and your dragoons. May you rest in peace. Viper: D-Damn...! Forgive... me......... Riddel...... [dies] Lynx: Now, let
this be your final resting place as well. Kid: C'mon, Lynx!!! You're goin' down! [They fight.] Lynx: You're more trouble than
I thought... But do you really think your skills are superior to mine? Kid: Sore loser!!! [He vanishes then reappears further
back.] Lynx: Serge, have you ever questioned who you really are? Kid: Serge...!? Lynx: What has been the significance of your
existence up until now? On that ominous day 10 years ago, the boundary of space and time was torn, and part of me, in fact,
died... [FMV] [The jaguar in the woods attacks someone.] [FMV] Lynx: You cannot defeat me, Serge... This is because denying
me is the same as erasing your very existence. Kid: Don't be taken in by his rubbish, Serge!!! This guy's full of it! Lynx:
Huh... We'll see about that. There are two sides to every coin. Life and death...... Love and hate...... They are all the
same. Kid: What'd you say!? Talk some sense, will ya! [The dragon tear glimmers] [FMV] {Serge looks in it, his reflection
changes into that of Lynx's. He clutches his head and falls to the ground. His shadow turns to that of Lynx's. He rises, a
dark look on his face.] [FMV] Kid: Serge! What's wrong!? LYNX!!! What have you done to Serge!? Serge! You alright!? Serge:
Yes... I'm fine... I'm just fine, Kid. [Lynx looks confused at the situation.] Serge: What are you doing, Lynx? Now's your
chance, Kid! Kill him!!! Kid: Yeah... I know. [She walks up to him.] Kid: This is the end of you, Lynx!!! Say yer prayers!
[They battle, Lynx loses.] Serge: You did it, Kid. Kid: Y-Yeah... Serge: Now finish him. What's wrong? Settle it once and
for all. Kid:...... Serge: Here, hand me your dagger. I'll finish him off. [He takes Kid's dagger.] Serge: Watch this, Kid...
I'll avenge Lucca for you! Die, LYNX! Kid: WAIT!!! Serge: What, Kid? He's your foe, isn't he? Kid: ...... How do you know
Lucca's name? Serge: ......? What are you talking about, Kid...? Kid: Not once did I ever mention Lucca's name to you, Serge...
Serge: ......!!! Kid: No... Don't tell me you're...!? [FMV] [Serge stabs Kid. She falls to the ground. Lynx growls upsetly.
Bloody dagger in hand, Serge smiles.] Guile: Serge... Why...!? Serge: QUIET!!! [Using some electrical orb he knocks Guile
unconscious.] Serge: This is the end of the road for you, Kid. Kid: U-Ugh...! Y-You're Lynx... ain't ya!? Lynx: Heh heh heh...!
I'll send you to see Lucca. [He puts the knife away.] Lynx: I'll finish you off later. [He walks up to Lynx/Serge.] Lynx:
Look at yourself, Serge... I mean, Lynx! Heh heh heh... Excellent! The enmity is growing! The only thing pure
in this world is enmity! Well then, the time has come for the curtain to fall. Your services are no longer needed. Even your
very existence is worthless... Farewell, Serge. [He takes the Dragons Tear.] Lynx: Finally, I have the key. The key to the
gate of Fate! The time has finally come for the Frozen Flame to awaken!!! [He vanishes and appears near Serge.] Lynx: Come
to the Sea of Eden, Serge... Should you wish to end your dream of 10 years ago... [The Dragons Tear glows, and a shock wave
comes out that blows up all the dragon statues in the room. An electical energy leviates Lynx/Serge.] Lynx: Now, let love
bleed! Darker and deeper than the seas of hell! Heh heh heh...! HAH HAH HAH HAAAH...! [Everything fades out of view.] [FMV]
[Kid stands on the beach and turns.] [We are shown a view from underwater.] [FMV]