Strengths : - high Def - learns double techs - strongest
Yellow character
Weaknesses : - small element grid
Weight 216 lbs.
General Viper lives in Snakebone Manor near Termina with his daughter
Riddel. He rules over the El Nido Archipelago. As the Porre Army threatens to invade, he makes an alliance he'll regret later.
Recruitment The general will join automatically with a bunch of others mid-way through the game.
Element Grid
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Tech Skills
Level 3
Level 5
Level 7
Powerful sword swing attack against single foe.
Shoots blades of air at all enemies.
Increases own defense.
* After Serge is reborn, take Viper to talk to the barmaid in Termina
(Home World), go into the back room and examine the tapestry.